1. Clementina, Chapter 2 – Symbiosis

    Date: 7/17/2024, Categories: Fantasy Anal Body modification, Horror, Incest Lactation, Monster, Author: JackDRipper, Source: sexstories.com

    ... And I know that Russel is the one and that together we are the seven. We are symbiotes. The rest we have to figure out.”
    “The six? The one? The seven?” I said. “This is confusing.”
    “I wish I could tell you more,” said Alura. “But when you have unlocked the lock, anything you want I will tell you.”
    “Why did you send a soul-sucking succubus to attack me?” I asked.
    “You are the one, and the one must be tied to the six so they become the seven. That is how it is done. I did not make the rules. I am sorry. You solved the puzzle of the six and defeated the succubus so I am sure you will find the key and unlock the lock.”
    She smiled and added, “Anyone up for more fucking or are you all tired out? I have enough tentacles to go around.”
    Clementina, my mother, and I were all exhausted and declined. But Ona was up for more. As the three of us made our way out of the chamber, Ona had her head deep under Alura’s tentacles and the green woman’s head was tossed back in pleasure. Several tentacles were sliding in and out of Ona’s ass and pussy, gushing their green slime into her expanding abdomen as they stretched her lobes and pink asshole.
    I glanced back at the statue one more time. My mother now had a tongue like the statue. I let my eyes wander down to the six grasping tentacles that ringed where the statue’s labia should be. Maybe it would be hot if my mom had tentacle labia – as long as she wasn’t a soul-sucking energy vampire. She had called herself the six, ...
    ... and there were six tentacles. Coincidence?
    After our adventures that day, we took the next day easy, recuperating. The next evening, Clementina, my mom, Ona, and I all sat around the pool as the sun set. We had been skinny dipping – which was quickly becoming the norm – and were still nude in the red light of the fading day.
    My mother and I were seated on a porch-swing together, arms around each other. The sensation of sharing energy, of being able to give or take it, of being in a symbiotic relationship with another creature was intoxicating and we were still getting used to it. We wanted to touch each other as much as possible.
    “When do we open any more chambers in the nexus?” my mother asked. “We need to unlock the lock, as Alura said.”
    “How can we dare?” said Ona. “After what just happened, and after the nightmare with the dark phallites. We can’t take any more risks. Alura is a great fuck, but nothing more. Let’s cut our losses.”
    I swallowed a tart response to her about risk taking. After all, she seemed willing to throw risk to the wind when she hatched the dark phallite egg. But some of the anger and sting from the death of my father, while it wasn’t gone, it was at least a little less sharp.
    “I think the greater risk is in not investigating them,” Clementina said. “We need to know what’s in there. They’ve been sealed since my forebears investigated them years ago. We need to find out what horrors are there and develop countermeasures or containment ...