1. Clementina, Chapter 2 – Symbiosis

    Date: 7/17/2024, Categories: Fantasy Anal Body modification, Horror, Incest Lactation, Monster, Author: JackDRipper, Source: sexstories.com

    ... her!” she said. “We don’t know whether that’s really your mom, or if your mom is really that person back at the house.”
    I peered cautiously over the edge of the sarcophagus.
    “She’s wearing the bikini and thong my mom was wearing. You were dead on.” I said. “Fuck it, that’s her. That thing back at the house is some kind of an imposter...it’s…”
    I thought of how drained I had felt ever since our encounter with the tentacle beast yesterday, and how I had felt even more drained after sex with my mom. All the pieces came together in my mind almost as exactly as they came together in Clementina’s. We looked at each other and said it simultaneously.
    “A Succubus.”
    “Or a doppelganger, whatever you want to call it. But whatever the name, it’s draining me,” I added. I sat down on the floor and leaned my back against the cool wall of the chamber. The exertion of swimming through the tunnels had left me more drained than I had been before. Even though we hadn’t had any more sex since our romp in the pool, I knew that thing was still draining my life away, breath by breath, heartbeat by heartbeat. I was being sucked dry like a husk and would be cast aside.
    “Fuck,” I whispered. “God, this is just too much. First I find out I am going to die in a few years when my phallite dies, now to speed things along, my mom is replaced with some kind of a soul-sucking monster that is trying to kill me now rather than wait. What the fuck. I can’t fucking deal.”
    Clementina sat down ...
    ... next to me and put her arms around me.
    “Russel, I’m here. I will stand beside you. Ona and I owe you our lives several times over. We will not forsake you, I promise. We will figure the way out.”
    For the second time in as many days, I found myself weeping on a woman’s shoulder. The previous day it had been my mother – or whatever the fuck that succubus thing was masquerading as her. Today, I wept on Clementina’s shoulder, my sobs echoing through the damp, humid air of the tomb.
    When I had cried myself out, Clementina and I rose, and we began looking in more detail at the chamber we occupied. Mostly the walls were bare, but after a little hunting, we found a stone next to the coffin that was a little different color than the others, recessed in the same fashion as the switch in the royal chamber by the nexus.
    We looked at each other and I reached out and pushed the stone into the wall.
    A loud grinding came from behind. We spun about. The wall had swung back, revealing the chamber with the squatting-tongued statue and urn beyond.
    And beyond the urn, stood my mother – or rather the succubus that was pretending to be her.
    The succubus imitating my mother did nothing overtly hostile, just stood there.
    Behind her, Ona stood uncertainly in the archway to the entry tunnel, a pleading look in her eyes, as if to say “I tried.”
    I turned to Clementina.
    “What do we do now?” I whispered.
    “I don’t know,” she replied softly. “But I bet it’s something ...