1. Clementina, Chapter 2 – Symbiosis

    Date: 7/17/2024, Categories: Fantasy Anal Body modification, Horror, Incest Lactation, Monster, Author: JackDRipper, Source: sexstories.com

    ... similar to what you had to do to me and my sister to purge the dark phallites.”
    Not sure of what to do next, I took the bull by the horns, running full speed at the urn, launching myself over it, and flying straight into the succubus. My shoulder caught her square in the midsection and I felt a satisfying exhalation of air from her lungs as I drove her hard into the stone floor. She rolled onto her side, gasping for air. I wasn’t as skilled as my mother in hog-tying, but I still had her tied up in a minute or two.
    “Damn, Russel,” Clementina said. “You don’t take any prisoners.”
    “She’s taken me prisoner, she’s taken my mom prisoner, fuck her,” I said as Clementina climbed over the urn to take her place by my side.
    “I guess I should go get a light phallite,” I said.
    “Get two,” Clementina said.
    “Yeah, two. One for this bitch here,” she said, kicking the rib cage of the succubus. “And one for your mom. Just in case.”
    I scooted down to the nexus and returned with two light phallites perched on my shoulder.
    “Where do we begin?” I asked.
    “My guess is we do a purge on the succubus, then if that doesn’t wake up your mother, we do the same to her.”
    “Is the succubus even human?” I asked. “Will a purge work? I mean, what the fuck is it?”
    “I don’t know,” Clementina said. “But having been around the phallites for so long, I think there is some kind of phallite creature driving the succubus inside. I bet if we do a purge, it will come out and we ...
    ... can see what it is and figure out how to deal with it.”
    “I guess,” I said. I looked down at the creature that looked just like my mother but wasn’t her. She looked back at me. The look in her eyes wasn’t malevolence, it wasn’t compassion, the only word I could come up with to describe it was “alien”.
    I shook my head and looked at the cream phallites perched on my shoulders.
    “What the hell are these things?” I asked. “Where do they come from? And what nightmares are in the other chambers of this place?”
    “I don’t know,” said Clementina. “We would need someone with a scientific background to help us sort that out. But for now, the most important thing is getting your mom back.”
    “Agreed,” I sighed. “Let’s get this over with before this creature takes what little energy I have left.” I felt like crap, I didn’t want to do this, I wanted to just lay down and sleep.
    Clementina approached me and picked the phallites off my shoulder, then hugged me.
    “Hang in there Russel,” she said. “It’s almost over.”
    “It’s almost over...until my phallite dies, then it’s all over,” I said, sinking my head onto her shoulder.
    “We can’t give up hope,” she crooned into my ear. “We have time before your phallite dies. We have time to figure out a solution. You mean too much to me for me to let you go now.”
    I closed my eyes and cleared my head, taking whatever energy I could muster from her presence.
    After a moment I loosed my hold and we leaned back.
    “Better?” Clementina ...