1. Clementina, Chapter 2 – Symbiosis

    Date: 7/17/2024, Categories: Fantasy Anal Body modification, Horror, Incest Lactation, Monster, Author: JackDRipper, Source: sexstories.com

    ... diving back in there.”
    “Yeah, me neither,” Clementina said. “But that thing seems pretty docile now. I wonder why.”
    “It was pretty docile yesterday too, if you remember,” I said. “When we attacked it, it didn’t hurt us, it just pushed us back. I somehow don’t think it will hurt us. Maybe we should see what happens when we push our luck.”
    I reached down and trailed my hand across the liquid, then stuck my whole arm in, then pulled it out. When the rippled cleared I played my flashlight downwards. The creature hadn’t moved. I climbed up onto the lip of the urn and slipped my feet in, dangling them down. Again, no sign of movement.
    “Well, so far so good,” I said. “Time for the big test.”
    I slowly slipped off of the ledge and let my body slip into the red, blood-like soup. I clung to the edge and Clementina shined her light downwards. Still no movement.
    “What the hell,” I said. “Do you have any rope?”
    Clementina nodded and disappeared up to the barn, returning a few minutes later with a long coil. I tied a section around my chest under my arm and she held the other end.
    I took my flashlight and dove down several feet and shined the light across the creature hovering at the bottom. Still no movement. I swam even closer, nothing. I surfaced for fresh air, then dove all the way down until I was hovering just above it.
    The thing didn’t move. I poked it and it still didn’t move. It was nothing but coils and coils at the bottom. So many coils that I couldn’t ...
    ... see the base of the monster or the bottom of the well.
    I surfaced.
    “I think it’s dead,” I said. “Come on, let’s go check out that side tunnel.”
    I ditched the rope. Clementina hopped into the well and we swam down to the offshoot, poking our beams of light into the space. The tunnel went about five feet then shot upwards, but where, we couldn’t see. We surfaced to the top of the urn, took a moment to catch our breath, then swam back down as fast as we could into the tunnel. The upshaft at the end climbed ten feet upwards into an air pocket. We shot up into the space beyond, gasping as we surfaced.
    We were in a chamber about the same size as the one with the statue. I guessed we were in the wall behind the statue. We played our light across the room. The chamber was bare stone except against the far wall, where a raised platform stood, an oblong container atop. The container looked like a coffin or sarcophagus.
    A feeling ran down my spine – a bad feeling. I played my flashlight across the coffin, then slowly approached. It was carved from stone, like everything else in the chamber. It did not have a lid, but the top was close to six feet high, so from a distance I couldn’t see what was inside. Clementina and I looked at each other and crept forward, holding our flashlights high. Slowly, the edge of our beams slipped down the side of the stone coffin, revealing what was inside.
    “Mom!” I screamed and leapt forward, but Clementina grabbed my arm.
    “Don’t touch ...