1. Clementina, Chapter 2 – Symbiosis

    Date: 7/17/2024, Categories: Fantasy Anal Body modification, Horror, Incest Lactation, Monster, Author: JackDRipper, Source: sexstories.com

    ... week.”
    “Exactly,” Clementina said. “Are you up for an expedition?”
    “Back to that chamber where the tentacle monster is. There’s something not right there.”
    “I’m down with that.”
    Clementina told Ona where we were going and told her to stall my mom if she started asking questions (probably not difficult). She brought out a couple of waterproof flashlights, then Clementina and I set out across the field to the barn cave entrance in our swimsuits. I had on my trunks and Clementina had on one of her “turns invisible when wet” one piece suits that was already wet from being in the pool, so it was already invisible.
    The nexus was pretty much as we had left it, the one door to the left of the pink vaginal tunnel was open. We had accidentally left the light on in the room with the tentacle thing and the light spilled into the tunnel as we made our way back down to the room with the urn.
    The huge statue of the squatting woman with the insane tongue still stood as we left it, her huge lobes hanging down above the chaise beneath her, the urn before her between her knees.
    Clementina hung back, but I approached the urn and looked down into the red water in the well. I could only see about the first five or six feet into the blood-red liquid, but I couldn’t see any sign of the tentacle creature. I turned on the flashlight and shined it down the well. Far down, probably fifteen or twenty feet, I could see something hanging out at the bottom, something dark ...
    ... and multi-limbed. I assumed it was the tentacle creature.
    Clementina approached beside me and looked down, shining the flashlight with mine. Together we could clearly illuminate the monster lurking in the depths, but it still showed no sign of moving. Clementina played her light up the walls of the well, then stopped and pointed.
    About halfway up the wall was an opening leading back in the direction underneath the statue. An underwater tunnel.
    “I wonder,” said Clementina.
    “What?” I asked.
    “Did you notice that when your mother went into the water she was wearing her bikini and thong, then when she came back out she was nude?”
    “So?” I asked. “That was a pretty flimsy outfit, it wouldn’t take much to dislodge it.”
    “The top, yes, but the bottom?” Clementina said. “In case you hadn’t noticed, women’s phallite hips are not exactly trivial. My measurements are 42DD-25-42, pretty standard phallite female numbers. Your mom’s behind is a little smaller, but it’s at least a 39 or 40. When that thing grabbed her, I guarantee you she tightened her ass muscles. She was only underwater a few seconds. I have trouble believing her thong came off that easily.”
    “So what are you saying?” I asked.
    “I’m not sure, but there’s more going on here than meets the eye.”
    She leaned forward again and played her light across the opening in the well wall.
    “I want to know what’s back in that hole,” she said, finally.
    “I don’t know about you, but I’m not keen on the idea of ...