1. Clementina, Chapter 2 – Symbiosis

    Date: 7/17/2024, Categories: Fantasy Anal Body modification, Horror, Incest Lactation, Monster, Author: JackDRipper, Source: sexstories.com

    ... glowing. What the fuck, how was that even possible?
    That hand felt like it was reaching inside me and pulling out my very soul.
    I was exhausted. I needed to finish. I leaned against her body and just pistoned my hips, ramming in and out of her asshole, sending gushes of slime everywhere.
    Finally I unleashed a load of seed deep inside. For the second time, I slipped out of her wet, slimy, gaping asshole and sank into a chair.
    She looked down at me.
    “I guess you’re not up for another round…” she said.
    “Christ mom,” I replied, shaking my head. “No more.”
    “Oh well, you can’t blame a girl for asking. You look like shit,” she said. “You sure you don’t want to stay home and get some rest?”
    “Yeah,” I agreed. “Maybe I will after all.”
    I drank a glass of water, had some toast for breakfast, and wandered outside aimlessly, just wanting to get out of the house for a bit before I came back in and probably went back to bed. Clementina was in the front garden when I went out. I told her about my missing body hair.
    “That’s not unusual,” she said. “Phallites do that to some people. Everyone loses some body hair to some extent, it just looks like you were an extreme case. Don’t sweat it.”
    I nodded, accepted a hug, and wandered around the yard and the fields for a half hour or so. I finally went back inside, climbed back up to the attic and fell down onto my bare mattress and pillow that were still damp from my exertions the night before.
    I slept ...
    ... soundly, thankfully free of nightmares, until around 2:00 in the afternoon, when I awoke. My head was still a little foggy but I thought I might feel just a hair better than that morning.
    Clementina was in the pool. I changed into my trunks and joined her. I dove in and swam to where she was treading water in the deep part of the pool.
    “You skipped class today,” she said.
    “I was beat this morning,” I said. “I didn’t sleep well.” I told her about my nightmares, and my strange tongue-and-labia sexual experience with my mother that didn’t actually happen.
    “I’ve been thinking about that tentacle creature,” she said. “And I’ve been thinking about your mother.”
    “What about her?”
    “Have you noticed anything different about her in the past 24 hours since she was raped by that creature?”
    “Like what?”
    “Like as soon as you went back to bed this morning, she came out to where I was working in the garden and talked me into coming in for a two-hour multiple-orgasm sex session. Afterwards, I went back out to the garden for a couple hours. When I came back, she was going at it with Ona. Your mom has become insatiable. I hope she’s drinking a lot of water, because she needs to replace all that slime she’s pouring out.”
    “I did kind of notice that. She fucked me right after we got back from the caves yesterday, then wanted to go at it again later, then we did it in the kitchen this morning. If I had been fucked the way that thing fucked her, I wouldn’t want sex for a ...