1. Getting Married Set Me Free Pt, 06

    Date: 7/12/2024, Categories: Fiction Exhibitionism Female exhibitionist, Written by women Author: vanessa.evans, Source: sexstories.com

    ... favourite?” A guy at the back of one of the 3 queues asked.
    “Then I guess that we’ll have to start from square one again.”
    “Err Dylan,” Lucy said from under her tea towel, “Do you realise that us girls will have been fingered something like 10 times, and if we have to start from square one that will make 20 times, at 3 minutes a time. Do you really think that we can cope with being finger fucked almost non-stop for a solid hour?”
    “Good point Lucy, “Dylan replied, “Let’s see how you feel after the first round then we’ll take it from there. I’m sure that the guys who usually spend a lot of time inside your pussies wouldn’t appreciate having to miss out because you are sore or injured after being finger fucked so many times. Okay, is everyone ready? Tom? Oh, and remember guys, the objective is to give the girls pleasure, not stretch or damage them.”
    “Ready.” Tom replied.
    “Go; and girls, don’t remove the tea towels, we need a number not a name.”
    Two seconds later I gasped as 2 fingers invaded my pussy. No foreplay, straight in. It was a good job that I was dripping in anticipation.
    In and out went those fingers. Totally ignoring my clit or searching for my G-spot. When Tom shouted ‘TIME’, and the fingers withdrew I just hoped that the next guy would be better at it.
    He was, but not by much. As his fingers fucked me I thought of the last time that Dylan finger fucked me. He was so much more gentle and caring. Dylan wanted to give me pleasure not just take ...
    ... pleasure.
    It was the same for the next 2 guys although all that ramming of fingers into me was having the desired effect. It was guy 5 that tipped me over the edge. Not only did he find my G-spot but his thumb rubbed my clit as well. I was cumming when the fingers withdrew and I guessed that Tom had called time.
    I was just starting to come down from my high when the next guy’s fingers invaded me. They caused me to gasp then moan but the fingers didn’t send me back up there. Neither did the last guy. I definitely had my winner and I again wondered if it had been Dylan.
    “Okay ladies,” Dylan said, “we’ll have a short break but before you scuttle off to the bathroom please can you give me the number of the guy that you enjoyed the most.”
    We did. Then the 3 totally naked girls went upstairs to the bathroom to get cleaned up and discuss the abilities of the guys. Thankfully, both Lucy and Daisy had had an orgasm and we discussed the 3 minute time limit and when we went back downstairs I asked Dylan if we could extent it to 5 minutes for the next round. He agreed and Lucy, Daisy and I got back on the table, spread our legs and put the tea towels back on our faces.
    “Okay ladies and gentlemen,” Dylan announced. “We have our 3 guys who are going into the next round and each of those 3 will finger fuck each of the girls. At the request of the girls the 3 minute limit will be increased to 5 minutes in the hope that the rest of us will be able to witness more orgasms, and ...