1. Getting Married Set Me Free Pt, 06

    Date: 7/12/2024, Categories: Fiction Exhibitionism Female exhibitionist, Written by women Author: vanessa.evans, Source: sexstories.com

    Getting Married Set Me Free
    by Vanessa Evans
    Part 6
    Day 14 – Saturday
    The supermarket delivery driver didn’t look that surprised when I opened the front door totally naked. It was a different guy, younger, and I think that word must have got around. Dylan was in the kitchen and he finger tested me each time that I brought a basket of groceries in. Dylan said that I got a little wetter each time.
    To Tom and Lucy’s party I chose to wear a very short turquoise, tight, lycra tube skirt. When I tried it on in the shop it started riding up just as soon as I moved. With it I wore a matching silky camisole top with spaghetti straps. Dylan told me that my legs looked amazing in that skirt and my highest heels.
    My journey to the pub nearest to Tom and Lucy’s place was very revealing. As I said, the skirt rides up even when I just move a leg or even bend a little. As we walked to the Underground station I had to tug the hem of the skirt down every time that I saw someone looking at me because it had ridden up exposing my slit and my clit which was rock hard and tingling all the time.
    Going down the escalator with Dylan behind me, I ignored the man in front of me who kept turning his head and looking up at me. The train was less revealing because it was quite crowded and we had to stand. The up escalator was just as bad, or good, as the down one although I didn’t look back to see who was looking up at my butt.
    When we got to the pub there was already a handful ...
    ... of people who we knew were going to the party, most of the either workmates of Dylan and Tom, or team mates from the rugby club. Half a dozen of the girls there had been at Dylan’s bosses barbecue so had been totally naked there like I was. We were all stood in a group and I soon forgot about my skirt.
    Dylan started talking to his mates and I started talking to the girls that I’d met at the barbecue. Most of them were complaining about having to get naked and saying that they wouldn’t have done so if the possibility of a big bonus or pay rise for their men hadn’t of been possible. I didn’t have the heart to tell them that it was probably all a ruse by Henry just so that he could perv on their naked bodies.
    One of the girls was very sympathetic to me about me being spanked, saying that she could never have done what I did, and that Dylan wasn’t a very good husband to let it happen.
    I just said that I loved Dylan and would do anything for him, which was the truth.
    The rest of the conversations weren’t very interesting other than most of the girls saying that they liked the outfits of the other girls. Two girls actually said that they liked my outfit. When that was said I discretely checked that my slit and clit weren’t on show.
    After an hour or so everyone headed off to Lucy and Tom’s house. It was dark outside by then so I didn’t bother tugging the hem of the skirt down.
    Lucy and Tom’s house was quite crowded when we got there with people standing around, ...