1. Getting Married Set Me Free Pt, 06

    Date: 7/12/2024, Categories: Fiction Exhibitionism Female exhibitionist, Written by women Author: vanessa.evans, Source: sexstories.com

    ... was the same, that is until we got on the train. As it came to a stop we saw that there were lots of young men on it. Most wearing scarfs and hats of the same football team, so I told Dylan not to get too close to Lucy and me. They didn’t and when we stepped onto the train we were met with,
    “Hey guys, look what just got on.”
    Quickly followed by a few comments about Lucy’s and my bodies and skimpy clothes. I was, and I think that Lucy was as well, chuffed that the young men liked what they saw. With Dylan and Tom standing back the young men must have thought that they weren’t with us and they started asking Lucy and I to flash our tits and pussies so we did, pulling our skirts and tops up and leaving our pussies and tits exposed.
    This got more comments, some of them not so nice because our tits are not very big but that didn’t bother me because I love my little tits and I know that Lucy loves hers.
    Unfortunately, the attention didn’t last long because all the young men got off the train at the next station leaving Lucy and I to make ourselves ‘decent’, and for Dylan and Tom to take us to the seats along the sides of the carriage.
    We sat in a row opposite a couple of middle-aged men and I noted that Lucy sat the same way as I did, knees not crossed and slightly apart. I kept glancing over to those guys and saw that their eyes were staring up our skirts.
    Of course Dylan and Tom knew what was on show and neither of them did ...
    ... anything or said anything to stop us.
    Lucy and Tom got off first leaving the 2 guys to just stare at one pussy and Dylan made it easier for them by putting a hand on my knee and slowly moving it further from my other knee. By the time that we got off the train my knees were a goot 20 centimetres apart and when I stood up I didn’t pull my skirt down until I was on the platform.
    As we walked along the street back to our house I was feeling very randy, but at the same time I was reflecting on how I had changed since I got married.
    “Dylan,” I said, “before we got married I was a totally different girl, under the control of my nineteenth century mother, would you really have been happy if I was still like that?”
    “Esther, when I first met you I could just tell that under those horrible clothes was a gorgeous young woman. Just listening to you talk I could tell that you weren’t happy, that you wanted to escape. I could tell by the way that you looked at me that you were a sex siren just waiting to escape.”
    “Well I guess that I’ve escaped now and I now know that a girl can wear nothing but a flimsy, miniscule dress, feel very naked yet look smart and attractive anywhere.”
    “Well you certainly do that Esther, just like I knew that you would.”
    “I love you Dylan Hargreaves.”
    “And I love you too Esther Hargreaves.”
    We didn’t make it beyond closing the front door before Dylan was lifting me up and lowering me onto his cock.