1. Getting Married Set Me Free Pt, 06

    Date: 7/12/2024, Categories: Fiction Exhibitionism Female exhibitionist, Written by women Author: vanessa.evans, Source: sexstories.com

    ... sneaky looks over to the unknown guys who in turn were taking sneaky looks at Lucy and I, and the other naked girls in the shop.
    Just as I saw Bethany come out from the back Tom said to Dylan,
    “This place is a real exhibitionist girls paradise isn’t it?”
    “Yeah, we should tell all the team to bring their girls here.” Dylan replied.
    “That Daisy girl would love it here for one.”
    “Hell yeah, she surprised me last night, TC is a lucky guy.”
    “Right Esther,” Bethany said as she approached us, “try these on and let me know, I’ve just got to attend to that girl who has just walked in.”
    I looked around and saw that another young couple had just entered the shop, the guy just standing there with his mouth wide open and his head turning to look at all the girls either naked or just in their thongs or G-string.
    Dylan helped me into the first dress and it looked just as good as it did the first time that I had tried it on.
    “Looks good lover.” Dylan said.
    “I can see your nipples and slit through the material.” Tom said.
    “That’s why Esther chose it.” Dylan said.
    “Should have known.” Tom replied.
    As I tried on the dresses Bethany kept coming over to check on me. One time Dylan said,
    “This is a thriving little business that you’ve got here Bethany.”
    “It is now, but it was slow getting started.”
    “I guess that word is getting around the girls that they can come her and show-off their cute bodies.” Dylan said.
    “And the guys bring their girls to ...
    ... show-off and enjoy the other eye candy whilst they’re here.” Bethany added.
    Then Bethany was off to to serve another customer at the till. When she cane back again Dylan said,
    “You need someone to work for you Bethany.”
    “I’ve thought about that but I couldn’t offer a full time job, just part time on a couple of days a week.”
    “Maybe Esther could help out Bethany?” Dylan said.
    Bethany thought for a couple of seconds then replied.
    “I’ll phone her and we’ll talk.”
    Meanwhile, I’d tried on all the dresses that Bethany had shortened, given them to Dylan to hold, and had joined Lucy trying on other clothes.
    “This is fun.” Lucy said, “All those male eyes on my naked body.”
    “Yes,” I replied, “I could do this all day, providing that there’s a constant supply of guys to look at me.”
    “You’re a naughty little girl Esther Hargreaves, teasing the guys like that.”
    “Yes, but it is fun. Have you found anything that you want?”
    “Look at Tom Esther.”
    I did and saw 3 or 4 items in his arms.
    “Maybe we should leave before I bankrupt him.” Lucy added.
    Lucy and I found our clothes and put them on whilst Dylan and Tom paid for what we wanted. Whilst the guys paid, Bethany told Lucy and I that she’d phone us when Tim was coming in.
    Walking back to the Underground I had the same ‘problem’ with my skirt but most of the time I ignored it and left my slit and butt exposed. I wasn’t worried about any trouble because Dylan and Tom were with me.
    The Underground ...