1. Getting Married Set Me Free Pt, 06

    Date: 7/12/2024, Categories: Fiction Exhibitionism Female exhibitionist, Written by women Author: vanessa.evans, Source: sexstories.com

    ... drinking and talking in most rooms of the house and some were outside as well.
    Dylan got me a glass of wine and we got talking to different groups of people. Dylan knew a lot more people than I did so I was forever getting introduced to people and most of the guys looked me up and down then told me that I looked great, or words to that effect. I wondered how much of that was because my nipples were trying to drill through my thin top and my legs were bare right up to, well maybe above my pussy, I didn’t bother checking.
    I’d given up tugging the hem of my skirt down because I didn’t think that people standing close to me could see my slit and clit.
    Dylan’s beer and my wine were going down well and we retreated to the kitchen to fill up. Whilst I was pouring my wine Dylan put an arm round me and it slid down to my butt as he told me that he loved me. He found my butt cheeks before I thought that he should have and I asked Dylan to tug my hem down.
    “Hey Esther, I thought that you liked people seeing your butt?”
    “I do, but I’m not sure that this is the right place for it.”
    “It’s the perfect place for it, no one here will complain and now that you know, enjoy your display.”
    Dylan squeezed my butt then picked up a fresh bottle of beer and we went to the lounge. Before we got talking to someone else I said,
    “Dylan, this party isn’t like any one that I’ve ever been to before, there’s no jelly or cakes and I’ve never been to a party where there was ...
    ... alcohol.”
    “Well Esther, this is a party for normal adults not kids or religious freaks, relax, enjoy meeting people, have some more drinks and enjoy yourself.”
    “I don’t want to get drunk Dylan.”
    “I saw some soft drinks in the kitchen, you can change to them whenever you want..”
    We were soon meeting and talking to other people. I got the impression that Dylan knew most of the guys there, probably through his and Tom’s workplace and from the rugby club.
    Dylan’s beer didn’t last long, and this time I went to the kitchen on my own to get a fresh bottle for him. At the same time I finished my wine and got myself a cola. Lucy was in the kitchen and we talked a little. I complimented her on her dress, which I actually liked although if it had been mine I would have had it shortened. Then Lucy said,
    “You do know that everyone can see the bottom of your butt cheeks and your slit Esther?”
    “I guessed as much but I deliberately didn’t check it.”
    “Naughty girl.” Lucy said and we both giggled a little.
    Back with Dylan I seemed to be getting more compliments about my outfit and I realised that quite a few of the guys, including Dylan, were getting, shall we say ‘happy’. I’d heard about drunk people throwing-up when they drink too much and I hoped that Dylan wasn’t going to.
    Someone turned the background music up and a few people started dancing. Lucy and I moved to the centre of the room and joined in. After a while Dylan and Tom came and joined us and soon, both pairs of ...