1. Getting Married Set Me Free Pt, 06

    Date: 7/12/2024, Categories: Fiction Exhibitionism Female exhibitionist, Written by women Author: vanessa.evans, Source: sexstories.com

    ... fuck me Dylan?” I asked.
    “Do you want them to Esther?”
    I quietly nodded my head.
    “So,” Dylan continued, “who would like to try and send my wife into a sexual stupor?”
    I don’t know if Dylan was expecting every guy there to shout that they wanted to try, but that’s what happened.
    Dylan put his hand up asking for silence then said,
    “Wow guys, I expected 1 or 2 but all 20 or so of you. I’m pretty sure that if you all had a go Esther would end up in hospital, or the morgue. So, which of the young ladies here would like to offer their services to help Esther, and of course themselves. There has got to be guys here that are pretty good at it.”
    There was deadly silence for a few seconds and I looked out to see all the faces of the girls there. Lucy was smiling at Tom and another girl, Daisy was whispering to the guy next to her. Then both Lucy and Daisy stepped forwards.
    I was both happy and unhappy. Happy because I stopped thinking that I might end up in hospital and unhappy because it would have been nice to see if I could have coped with 20 or so guys finger fucking me.
    “Thank you ladies.” Dylan said to Lucy and Daisy, “I’m sure that Esther appreciated the help. Hey Tom, will this table support 3 naked girls?”
    “Sure, we bought a sturdy one so that Lucy and I can fuck on it.”
    “Tom!” Lucy said, “You don’t have to tell everyone our secrets.”
    “Okay ladies,” Dylan said, “get ‘em off and get up there. Don’t be shy, we all know that it’s okay for ...
    ... girls to be naked in front of guys and that most girls like being naked in front of guys.”
    There was more cheering as Lucy and Daisy did what Dylan had just told them to do. Clothes disappeared under the table and Dylan lifted Lucy and Daisy onto the table, them laying back on their elbows and spreading their legs.
    “Guys,” Dylan announced, “this isn’t going to work like this. We’re not going to be able to find the best finger fucker here like this, and I think that we need to add a bit of mystery for our 3 gorgeous volunteers. Tom, would you have 3 clean tea towels?”
    Tom dashed off and seconds later he was back with 3 tea towels.
    “Girls, please lay back so that Tom can effectively blindfold you with the tea towels.”
    Tom covered the 3 faces with the tea towels the Dylan continued,
    “Thanks Tom. Now you guys who are eager to get your fingers inside one of these gorgeous girls. Please form 3 equal lines, one in front of each girl.”
    They did.
    “Right, each finger fucking session will last for 3 minutes. Tom, can you do the timings please. Girls, can you count the guys and remember the number of the one that you enjoyed the most. When they have all had a go we’ll take the 3 guys that have pleasured you the most and they will take it in turns to finger fuck all 3 of you again. Then we will compare each of your favourites of the last 3 and with a bit of luck at least 2 of you will have the same favourite.”
    “What happens if the girls each have a different ...