1. Getting Married Set Me Free Pt, 06

    Date: 7/12/2024, Categories: Fiction Exhibitionism Female exhibitionist, Written by women Author: vanessa.evans, Source: sexstories.com

    ... guys hands were around their girl. Dylan’s finding my tits and teasing my nipples.
    “You do know that your skirt is up and this guys sitting on the floor near our feet can see everything Esther?”
    “I didn’t, but I don’t care.” I replied.
    Then Dylan walked away from me and seconds later the music died and Dylan loudly said,
    “Okay everyone, quite a few of you will have suspected that my wife isn’t wearing any underwear, but now I’m going to confirm that for all of you. Esther, come over here please.”
    It was a very nervous and excited me that slowly walked over to Dylan. My 3 pointy bits were all rock hard and tingling like hell and I was sure that if I spread my legs I would be dripping on the carpet.
    “Esther darling,” Dylan said, “would you be so kind as to prove to everyone here that you are naked under that skirt and top?”
    “Dylan, I’m not doing that.” I said as I tugged at the hem of the skirt.
    “Don’t be a spoilsport Esther, you know that you want to and I’m sure that everyone here wants to see you naked, isn’t that right everyone?”
    Dylan was right, of course, and at least half of the people there started cheering and shouting things like,
    “Take it off, take it off.”
    I looked at Dylan’s face and I could see that look of lust that he gets so I decided to do as he asked.
    “You strip me then Dylan, I replied
    The cami was a loose fit and Dylan easily raised it up, me raising my arms to help him. The guys cheered louder and Dylan moved his ...
    ... hands to my waist and slid his thumbs under the top of the skirt.”
    “Shall I?” Dylan asked as he held his thumbs there.
    Unsurprisingly, all the guys were shouting at Dylan to tell him to get on with it and after a good few seconds my skirt descended until it got to my knees where Dylan let go of it. It was so tight that I had to shake my legs for it to drop to my ankles.
    Dylan came round to my front and then lifted me up, my legs automatically wrapping round his waist.
    “Are you going to fuck me Dylan Hargreaves?” I quietly asked.
    “Not yet sexy.”
    Dylan carried me over to the dining table and quite a few people rapidly cleared a space for me. Dylan put me onto the table and told me to lay back. I did, resting on my elbows so that I could see what Dylan was up to. Then Dylan turned and moved to my side, leaving me with my legs spread wide and my wet pussy on display for everyone to see.
    “Right everyone,” Dylan said, “The other day Esther met a man who must be the world’s best at finger fucking. I wasn’t there at the time but I’ve seen the videos and Esther tells me that she was still cumming 5 minutes after he stopped. I’ve been practising after watching the videos, but the question is, who here is the best at finger fucking?”
    I looked at Dylan in amazement and I just knew what was coming next. My jaw dropped, I felt my face and chest warm up, my nipples and clit start to throb and my whole body start tingling.
    “You’re going to let some of these guys finger ...