1. Housekeepers Hell

    Date: 6/21/2024, Categories: Fiction BDSM Bondage and restriction Cruelty Female/Female Horror, Non-consensual sex Torture, Written by women Author: barbarabadgirl, Source: sexstories.com

    ... waves told her she wanted to be a good girl and pretty little sex slave for her mommy and her Mistress.
    This time the leather hood went over her head sealing in her dreams of submission. With plenty of time left in the night after getting her little pussy opened as far as she dare for the first night it was time to begin the injections. There was no need for her to be aware of all that was being done to her body. The rapid breast growth would still be too slow to notice on a daily basis. The careful injections into her inner and outer labia would cause some swelling that would go down after a few hours but in time would spur more nerve endings and sensitivity as would the injections to her clitoris around its base making the bud swell and pulse as it ached to be touched. The projections were about a four fold increase so she would have one of the most sensitive pussies ever measured if this went right. To train her body and spur growth to her sexual organs and breasts a combination of hormones, steroids and other drugs had begun.
    Training her mind to accept all that would happen had begun as well. Spending the time making the subliminal suggestion soundtracks seemed to be working and worth the effort. Several trigger words and phrases seemed to be having the intended effects. "Such a naughty pussy" So had the night of terror that she had come to accept may happen again. Keeping her off balance from lack of sleep and mood control from the drugs was a key factor in ...
    ... creating a new reality for her. She was soon going to be seeing herself as a freak of nature to be ashamed of for her naughty pussy turns her into nothing more than an oversexed slut with big boobs and slutty, naughty, naughty pussy.
    She would be afraid to tell the nurses who would not believe it was a reaction from the drugs and would never tell the other doctors that did not understand the research Dr. Green was doing and how hard she was working to cure her needy nipples and naughty slut girl pussy. She felt she could almost hear it in her head how Dr. Green was like her savior and goddess. Nobody understood her like her goddess.
    Doctor Goddess.
    Alice dreamed of waves crashing, and of Ms. Barbara's voice praising her for being such a brave girl. She remembered dreaming about Mommy a bit, but couldn't really remember the details.
    When she awoke, she was in total darkness; something was over her face, preventing her from seeing. She could feel her hot breath and could smell leather, but otherwise was rendered blind.
    She moaned, and then felt Ms. Barbara's familiar gentle hands on her face. "Shh, sweetie, the treatment is over for tonight," Ms. Barbara said, gently unzipping the hood. Alice blinked a few times, relieved to see that her restraints had been removed and the object removed from between her legs. She felt...different...but was not in pain.
    "What happened, Ms. Barbara? Am I all better now?" she asked, hopeful.
    "No, sweetie, not yet. Your naughty ...