1. Housekeepers Hell

    Date: 6/21/2024, Categories: Fiction BDSM Bondage and restriction Cruelty Female/Female Horror, Non-consensual sex Torture, Written by women Author: barbarabadgirl, Source: sexstories.com

    ... than the incessant beeping of the machines she was hooked up to. Actually, that was kind of weird- the beeping was faster...was that her heart?
    As Alice awoke, she realized that her heart was racing. She was sweaty, and felt...funny. She was more awake than she had been before the accident, and wasn't in pain...not exactly. She couldn't feel anything in her ankle, but the rest of her felt strange. Alice tried to calm herself down- she probably just had a bad dream, and didn't want to be given any more drugs to make her groggy. She took a few deep breaths, and tried to focus on calming down. As she focused, though, she realized that the sensation in her body was localized to one specific spot- between her legs.
    Alice gently spread her legs, which was easy because her casted ankle was elevated and secured in a stirrup. She instinctively reached a hand between, putting her palm over her mound in an effort to quiet the sensation. She was still wearing a hospital gown, and realized that she had nothing underneath it. When she touched herself, she felt damp- and it also felt good- REALLY good. Before she knew what was happening, her fingers had parted her lips and were exploring the wetness between her legs. They started gently, probing, stroking, rubbing- but before long an inner need came over her and she was rubbing furiously. Alice had never felt like this before, and had no idea what she was doing- but she was desperately searching for relief.
    Her hospital gown was ...
    ... pulled up, one hand tugging at her nipple, the other buried between her legs. Alice was moaning incoherently, searching for a release she couldn't find when Dr. Green walked into the room.
    Controlled Conditions
    Alice saw Dr. Green and froze in shock and humiliation with her fingers buried deep in her overheated pussy.
    Dr. Green had been at the nurses station having her own hot pussy being serviced by the head night nurse on her knees between her legs. When the monitor showed Alice's rapid heartbeat, Dr. Green knew it was time to enter the room. Patting the woman on top of her head Dr. Green told her
    " You can finish me later. My patient is ready for her first conditioning treatment."
    The attractive nurse Trina Givens sat back on her heels looking up at her with the wetness of the sexy Dr. shining on her lips and chin.
    " Okay Dr. Green. I know what to do and will keep the floor nurses from disturbing you"
    Walking to the bedside of the shocked and humiliated girl, Dr. Green delighted in the redness of the young girl's cheeks as they flushed with embarrassment and her eyes wide with fear and shame. Despite her mature looking body the 18 year old girl's sweet face looked younger than her age at that precious moment sending a shiver of forbidden lust washing over the mature woman.
    When Alice had heard the door open, her instincts told her to cover up and stop touching herself, but she physically couldn't stop. She saw the kind face of Dr. Green, and felt ...