1. Housekeepers Hell

    Date: 6/21/2024, Categories: Fiction BDSM Bondage and restriction Cruelty Female/Female Horror, Non-consensual sex Torture, Written by women Author: barbarabadgirl, Source: sexstories.com

    ... another injection and set the syringe on a tray and placed it on the rolling table. Then going to a cabinet she had stocked with several items not usually in every room she pulled out a cloth bag and sat it on the edge of the bed. Out of the bag came a set of medical grade restraints. Thick, strong padded leather cuffs with adjustable straps.
    " Now Alice just relax and don't fight me or I will have to bring in the nurses and sedate you. Stay calm and listen to my voice" Alice was still focused on Dr. Green's soothing voice when she got the restraints out. Her mind initially protested, but then realized it made sense that she would need to be restrained- as soon as Dr. Green let go of her hand it desperately wanted to find its way back inside her- it felt like she wasn't in control of her own body!
    Soon the good doctor had the girl strapped to the bed with her arms to her side and legs strapped at ankles and knees then pulled open wide to the side rails. Then taking something that was not a hospital issue out of another bag of her own items she had prepared she strapped a large ball gag tight in the now frightened girl's mouth.
    "Alice, sweetie you need help with that naughty wet pussy so I'm going to put you half under so you won't panic but will be able to give me feedback to my questions as I give you an examination and begin treatments."
    The restraints were tight, and Alice pulled against them to test their limits while Dr. Green prepared something else. When ...
    ... the ball gag went in her mouth and was secured around her head, Alice started to panic. Her eyes darted around the room, questioning Dr. Green. The doctor remained calm and gentle, so Alice tried to quiet her mind by telling herself that this must just be part of the procedure. She was trying to bite down on the ball, but it kept slipping out of her small mouth and spreading drool down her chin. She would've felt embarrassed if she could spare a thought from her aching pussy. As it was she felt agitated, scared, and unsure- until Dr. Green put the drug in her IV- a cool sensation ran down her arm, calming her instantly.
    Examined and Diagnosed
    Alice was still lucid, aware of everything happening around her, but the panicky feeling that threatened to take over was gone. She still ached between her legs more than she ever had before, but mentally the desperation had quieted. Alice watched with detached attention as Dr. Green put on gloves, and stationed herself between her wide spread legs.
    "Okay, good girl Alice. Now the first thing I am going to do is inspect this naughty pussy of yours," Dr. Green cooed. Alice felt hands press down on her thighs, spreading them even further apart. "That's it, keep those legs nice and wide."
    Dr. Green's hands explored Alice's aching pussy at a painstakingly slow rate. She started by massaging the outer labia, already able to see wetness glistening between the folds. Dr. Green then spread Alice's lips, getting her first good look at a ...