1. Housekeepers Hell

    Date: 6/21/2024, Categories: Fiction BDSM Bondage and restriction Cruelty Female/Female Horror, Non-consensual sex Torture, Written by women Author: barbarabadgirl, Source: sexstories.com

    ... worn the cruel harness all morning. The split screen showed them from two angles as they looked at each other.
    They looked at each other trying to be brave as if they knew they had roles to play and whatever happened would be okay. Maybe they would not be whipped, as a hope. They did know it was about to get intensely sexual between them at the bidding of the beautiful woman on the screens.
    Lisa looked at and obeyed her daughter as Ms Beth guided her to put her mother standing comfortably with ankles cuffed and chained shoulder width apart to the bottoms of the posts to each side. The sensual touching of her body by her beautiful and extremely sexy young daughter was soon doing the inevitable and stirring her pussy to wetness.
    Lisa’s eyes took in how the treatments had begun to change her little girl's body in the ways the evil Dr Green had wanted to make happen. When her mind was more clear the wrongfulness of the things they were forced to do seemed to hurt more sober than when drugged. Lisa wishes she was drugged. She hated she was getting turned on by what was happening. She wanted the ...
    ... drugs to blame it on how badly she wanted her daughter to let cum…to make her cum.
    “Prisoner Alice, take the waist belt and put it on her then attach a chain from each side of the belt to each post with no slack to move her hips from side to side.” Miss Beth’s voice commanded.
    ( imay continue to write a very sensual and almost romantic wash scene with kissing and tenderness and edging then a more aggressive and humiliating milking scene with a lean towards butthole’s perspective,)
    ( I think a 3 week time frame is more realistic with summer vacation from school and the story of them being away, keeping anyone from looking for them works better than the longer time.
    So we think in terms of weeks?.
    Week One, to break and train with whips and toys, After bathing and milking it’s telling movie stories in the morning. Followed by hard bondage, ass reamings and more while being punished and worked in the afternoons and evenings.
    Week Two , things get more intense.
    Week Three, last week, horses and dogs and ultimate humiliations.
    Sounds reasonable ? ;) 