1. Housekeepers Hell

    Date: 6/21/2024, Categories: Fiction BDSM Bondage and restriction Cruelty Female/Female Horror, Non-consensual sex Torture, Written by women Author: barbarabadgirl, Source: sexstories.com

    ... pitifully. Totally defeated. She just lay there. Alice was nearly in tears from the pity she felt for her mother at that moment.
    “As I said, part of your punishment is taking care of the animals we already have and that filthy beast on the floor needs washing and feeding.”
    Handing Alice a keychain with one key held up.
    “This one fits all those locks. Give her use of her legs and unlock the chain to her collar and put her in the washing and milking station the same way you were this morning. After you have her ready you will remove all of the bondage you are wearing other than the collar, kneel and wait.
    You will listen and do as you are told. Remember to not speak unless told to. This week will begin with you learning one of your daily duties. Each morning you will wash and milk butthole as instructed by a special guest who will obey without question or wish you had after you are punished ten fold for everything you fail to do”
    Trina’s voice from behind the camera she carries as she walks to the side of the room out of the way. It was the first time she played to the crowd so blatantly and she was getting into it.
    “Ms. Beth, one of our more, interested, fans has won the bid to direct how the morning baths and milkings would proceed for the first week. “
    Trina moved back and waited for the right time to start recording with a hand held camera for close ups of what the other cameras in the stall would be seeing. She went to her laptop on the shelf and a ...
    ... moment later a female voice spoke from speakers mounted high on the walls.
    The monitor mounted on the wall lit up showing the current outfeed going all over the world to a *********** but growing membership who paid high bitcoin.
    Dr, Green sat in her farmhouse overlooking the old family farm as she looked at multiple camera views and ***********ed which one would go out in single or split views and chatted silently with Trina on the laptop. “We are going with Ms, Beth, Now. “
    A full figured woman wearing a form fitting black satin and lace camisole with garter and stockings to match. The woman's long wavy brown hair flowed over her shoulders in a cascade of silky femininity as curled past her full breasts so beautifully framed in the sexy bodice.
    “ I am Ms. Beth. You will follow my directions. I will be training you on how to wash and milk the slave, butthole, as the week proceeds.
    Trina looked at the counter. This first washing had been much talked about during the night and 821 people were watching from maybe 12 different countries.
    No matter what her new way of being was telling her she was and no matter how sick and depraved she felt looking at the vile movies of things she had done, butthole still used her own name, her old name. She was Lisa in what was still her mind when not so drugged or being tortured.
    Lisa looked at the screen on the wall over the head of her shorter teenage daughter who stood naked with deep rope marks in her flesh where she had ...