1. Housekeepers Hell

    Date: 6/21/2024, Categories: Fiction BDSM Bondage and restriction Cruelty Female/Female Horror, Non-consensual sex Torture, Written by women Author: barbarabadgirl, Source: sexstories.com

    ... equal parts shame and relief to see her. Dr. Green spoke to her in a soothing voice, and while it didn't help to quiet the fire burning inside her, it felt good to know that Alice wasn't alone, and that the doctor promised to help her.
    The girl started to speak and was headed off by the calm voice of the Dr. " Shussss shuss… Don't speak.. just be still and listen to me. I will take care of you"
    Putting one hand on the girl's hand that was in her pussy and holding it still, with the other caressing the girl's face she smiled kindly. "Alice, you are having a reaction to one of the drugs and it looks to be over stimulating your system. It happens sometimes and there is nothing to be ashamed of or afraid of but you have to stop. If you have an orgasm now it won't help and I can't allow it"
    " But, but I …I can't …" The pitiful girl stammered
    " Shuuss… Listen to me Alice, I know you don't think you can stop but you must. Trust me I know what is best for you. "
    She pulled the girl's hands away from her pretty little pussy making the girl whimper slightly and bite her bottom lip to try to stifle herself as she looked up with pleading eyes. Taking both the girl’s wrists she gently but firmly crossed her arms over her belly and held them there.
    When Dr. Green told Alice to stop touching herself and removed her hands from her pussy, Alice thought that she might explode. She was almost crying in frustration, her body screaming at her to give her clit the attention that ...
    ... it craves. Alice tried to focus on the calming voice of Dr. Green, giving herself over to her- she was right, the doctor does know what's best for her- if she was having a reaction to the drug, surely the doctor could counteract it.
    " Now just breathe and try to relax sweetie…just breathe. I know this feels strange and scary but you need to do as I say so we can make sure you won't hurt yourself. Just look at me and be calm. I know what to do. I know what you need. Trust me and do as I say…okay sweetie?"
    Letting go of one hand she again caressed the young girl's face tenderly.
    " Now that's better. Now you can tell me what you are feeling, Alice"
    "Oh god Dr. Green I'm so hot all over and ..and my (gulps) my… pussy is so needy. What's wrong with me?!"
    The poor girl is nearly in tears, which stirs emotions deep in Dr. Green's belly. Her heart goes out to the still partially drugged and confused young woman.
    "Alice, In very rare cases some of the drugs you are on will cause this kind of reaction but I'm afraid part of this overstimulation may be from a condition you also suffer from. You may be one of the rare cases where this won't go away. You are exhibiting a pretty severe reaction and will need to be treated for it as you recover here over the next few weeks or months."
    Restraint is needed.
    Letting go of the girl's hand Dr. Green cautioned her to keep her hands still and resist the urge to "finger that naughty little pussy of yours" while she prepared ...