1. Housekeepers Hell

    Date: 6/21/2024, Categories: Fiction BDSM Bondage and restriction Cruelty Female/Female Horror, Non-consensual sex Torture, Written by women Author: barbarabadgirl, Source: sexstories.com

    ... Barbara prepared for the next treatment.
    "Am I going to have to do that again tonight?" Alice asked, clear trepidation in her voice. "No, sweetie, not tonight. I am going to do something different with you tonight."
    Ms. Barbara restrained Alice's arms and legs again, just as she had the night before. "This is just to make sure that you don't move suddenly and damage your ankle," she reasoned. Alice obediently surrendered to the restraints, and opened her mouth to accept the ball gag. She didn't like how drooly it made her, but she wanted Ms. Barbara to be happy with her.
    Ms. Barbara put the calming drug in Alice's IV again before putting her gloves on and settling between Alice's legs. "Okay, sweetie, now let me have a look at your naughty little pussy."
    Alice felt Ms. Barbara's hands again, similar to last night. Ms. Barbara took more time prodding, stroking, and tapping all of her various parts. It was strange to be examined without the cloud of desperate need that she felt last night. Ms. Barbara's hands were gentle, but firm as they explored every intimate part of her. She gasped as Ms. Barbara's finger penetrated her. "Your pussy is very tight, sweetie, we are going to have to work on that," Ms. Barbara said, more to herself than to Alice. She gently rubbed Alice's clit, seemingly pleased to see Alice tense under her touch.
    By the time Ms. Barbara was done with the inspection, Alice could feel wetness dripping out of her. Not quite as extreme as last ...
    ... night, but definitely present. "You have good responses, Alice," Ms. Barbara mused, "but your little hole is too small. We are going to need to stretch it."
    Alice's eyes followed Ms. Barbara as she went to the tray by the bed and laid out various implements. There was a big scary looking metal contraption, as well as a few smaller things that Alice couldn't really see.
    "This isn't going to hurt, Alice, but you might feel some pressure. Just try to relax, and be a good girl for me while I stretch your hole."
    Alice felt the cold metal enter her, Ms. Barbara pressing it in and out of her to soak it in her juices. "That's it, be still, we really want this to work" she encouraged, and Alice focused on following her instructions.
    When it was fully inside her, Alice felt impossibly full. "Okay, sweetie, you are going to feel some pressure as I open you up." Alice felt like she was being stretched wide open, and focused on breathing through the ball gag so she didn't cry out. When Ms. Barbara was satisfied, she set the tool so that it held Alice's hole open and she could look. "So, so tight sweetie...it is going to take a lot of work to get you properly stretched. We might have to start plugging you to get your pussy more relaxed to help with the cure for all this wetness in your naughty little pussy." Were the last words that she heard before the strong but sort acting sedative kicked in and Alice was off in dreamland with her Mistress Barbara's voice nestled in the crashing ...