1. Housekeepers Hell

    Date: 6/21/2024, Categories: Fiction BDSM Bondage and restriction Cruelty Female/Female Horror, Non-consensual sex Torture, Written by women Author: barbarabadgirl, Source: sexstories.com

    ... and learn what she could do to help her daughter get through the whole ordeal.
    As normal after surgery Alice went through the recovery room and was watched by the day staff giving Barbara time to get some rest then make some plans. She had the freedom to do her rounds at night and owned Trina the head nurse on night shift giving her all the time she needed with her plans for Alice and later her mom in the quiet of the hospital.
    Training mind and body
    Alice beamed when she saw Dr. Green come in. They had a very warm conversation of hope and good news about her ankle and her "pelvic condition" as Dr. Green was calling it.
    " oh yes darling, a full recovery is expected on both of your conditions. They will of course both take a lot of hard work and therapy to make right again and there may be some lingering effects for a good while but trust me we will do everything it takes to see you well again. I'm very fond of you and will personally lead you out of this no matter what it takes. "
    The sweet girl gave her the most heartfelt hug.
    " I am so glad you are helping me Dr. Green… I am so lucky you are my doctor. "
    Smiling warmly the woman replied. " We are going to be very close for a long time and maybe you can start calling me Ms. Barbara now. Could you do that for me Alice?
    "Yes, Ms. Barbara," Alice says obediently, silently worshiping the doctor that saved her from the shock therapy. It had been a long day of surgery and recovery for Alice, but she was ...
    ... grateful to be in the care of Ms. Barbara again. The needy feeling that she had between her legs had dissipated when the drug left her system, and she was feeling ashamed and embarrassed about her prior behavior. Ms. Barbara and her mom had explained that the drug reaction had signaled that she had a pelvic issue, and would need additional treatment for that in addition to the ankle rehab. Both women assured her that she could make a full recovery though, once they ran some tests to find the source of the issue.
    Knowing it was time for more examinations made Alice scared. She had told Ms. Barbara about the horrors of last night. Ms. Barbara had listened attentively, stroking Alice's hair comfortingly as she recounted the pain and fear that had pulsed through her all night. When Alice was finished, Ms. Barbara took her face in her hands, and kissed her forehead. "I know it hurt, Alice, and I am sorry that I had to do that to you. Sometimes the treatments are going to hurt you, but they will make you better- just like with your ankle. You have to be a big girl and get through it, okay? I will be here every step of the way."
    Alice was scared to know that Ms. Barbara had purposely hurt her, but she also understood the logic- she knew that physiotherapy was going to be painful at times with her ankle, so it made some sense that curing her pelvic condition might require pain as well. She was comforted by Ms. Barbara's hands and gentle words, so tried to focus on that as Dr. ...