1. Housekeepers Hell

    Date: 6/21/2024, Categories: Fiction BDSM Bondage and restriction Cruelty Female/Female Horror, Non-consensual sex Torture, Written by women Author: barbarabadgirl, Source: sexstories.com

    ... needy little pussy still needs a fair bit of treatment to get back to normal. How does it feel right now?"
    Ms. Barbara gently put a gloved hand between Alice's legs, massaging around her folds. "Can you feel that sweetie?"
    Alice flushed, both from the embarrassment of being touched so intimately and from how good it felt. "Y...yes Ms. Barbara," she said quietly. "It feels sensitive."
    In truth, it felt a little sore. Alice supposed that made sense, given how stretched she was before falling asleep last night. Her whole naughty pussy felt tender, but Ms. Barbara's gentle massage was soothing. It made the tenderness more acute, but also somehow comforted Alice, enough that she found herself spreading her legs more widely for Ms. Barbara.
    Bending over to put her face close to the girl's wet pussy and carefully examine the swollen little clit, all nice and stiff and pink was all Barbara could do to not lick while she was away like she had been licking it before she came out of the drug induced slumber. But resist, she did and wanted to move on with the intimacy of the moment and bond with the girl who had far more than the typical case of doctor worship.
    " You are a very pretty girl, Alice. Your pussy is so perfect. "
    As she kept one hand probing the sweet little pussy she had completely shaved clean while she was under, Barbara stroked her hair with the other and gave her the most loving smile.
    "You are a beautiful young woman. You are maturing so fast now. ...
    ... This is the time of life for women where your body is ready for sex is part of why this condition is going to be so hard to control. You are a woman now in so many ways. Your breasts are growing in so perfectly. Your face is so pretty."
    As she spoke Alice was melting from the touch as much as she was from the praise of the woman she loved more than anyone in the world. Barbara leaned over with her mouth just inches from the trembling young girls. There was no doubt the woman wanted to kiss her. Alice wanted nothing more in life to be kissed by her!
    It was a big risk but one that had to come sooner or later. The very thing that could win the girl's heart and devotion was the very thing that could land her in jail the fastest and that was to simply kiss her. If Alice ever told anyone that one simple thing it would start a snowball that would roll over her. She had to know the girl would not talk and Alice was no fool. The girl would know she had leverage on the woman and not want to use it and would go to any lengths to protect the woman she adored.
    "Alice, I don't see you as a little girl anymore. Even before this condition you were on the cusp of womanhood and now I can feel with my fingers and see in your eyes you are a woman who can handle being loved and even lusted for. "
    Barbara teased the stiff clit as their lips nearly touched.
    "Alice, I am falling in love with you. I know it's wrong but I can't help it. I want you. I want to be your love and Goddess. I ...