1. Housekeepers Hell

    Date: 6/21/2024, Categories: Fiction BDSM Bondage and restriction Cruelty Female/Female Horror, Non-consensual sex Torture, Written by women Author: barbarabadgirl, Source: sexstories.com

    ... want you to love me and worship me. I want to help you and see you grow into the woman I know you can be. Tell me to stop and I will give up my crazy dream of being that for you. What I need is for you to want me as much as I want you. Tell me you want me too . Tell me to kiss you now. Tell me it's okay….
    Alice was melting under Ms. Barbara's touch. Contrary to the last painful treatment, Alice's body felt calm, relaxed, and tingly all over. As Ms. Barbara praised her body, gently touching her as she did, Alice was completely enamored.
    From the way her hair smelled to the way she promised to make Alice better, Ms. Barbara was quickly becoming Alice's favorite person.
    Alice took a break from admiring Ms. Barbara to tune back into what she was saying. She was talking about love, and Alice realized that that is how she felt about Ms. Barbara. Such a kind woman, here to help Alice get better- solely devoted to her success. So selfless, intelligent, talented, invested.
    Alice could feel wetness in her pussy where Ms. Barbara's fingers continued to stroke her, and could smell her hair as she moved her lips closer.
    "Please kiss me, Ms. Barbara," Alice whispered, surprised at her own boldness. "Are you sure, sweetie?" Ms. Barbara asked, fingers probing deeper into Alice's soaked and needy hole. "Yes, please!" Alice breathed, desperation taking hold of her. She licked her soft lips, leaning into Ms. Barbara's fingers, grinding against her.
    Ms. Barbara put her free ...
    ... hand on Alice's face, studying her eyes intimately. Alice felt like she was going to explode as she waited to feel lips on hers. Ms. Barbara cupped her cheek at the same time as she quickened the pace of her fingers, coaxing a moan from Alice that she swallowed with a kiss.
    Barbara thought it was sweet how Alice tried to act cool around her to not give away how in love she was. It had been so obvious to the nurses team and other doctors that the girl was in total girl crush over the wonderful Dr. Green to the point it had been joked about. What nobody suspected was how that crush would be used by the good doctor but also the love being real and mutual now. In her fantasies and dreams of doing such a thing Barbara had never imagined it as loving as it turned out to be with Alice.
    She had envisioned some young woman suffering sexual torments and having her body manipulated and even humiliated and fearful but she had never considered all those in the context of how loving and intimate it had become with Alice. The confession of her love for the girl had been a plan to make her more compliant but as the words of love fell from her mouth she could hear the truth in them.
    The role of cruel sadist and cold bitch had been her fantasy for so long and now wanting to be honestly sweet and kind to the girl she was going to manipulate and enslave and torture felt right for both of them. A sadist can love who they hurt and be loved in return by them. At some point Alice would know ...