1. Housekeepers Hell

    Date: 6/21/2024, Categories: Fiction BDSM Bondage and restriction Cruelty Female/Female Horror, Non-consensual sex Torture, Written by women Author: barbarabadgirl, Source: sexstories.com

    ... the treatments were only for Ms. Barbara's twisted desires to hurt her sexually. By then she would know it filled a need in the woman and accept that as part of their relationship. It was how she showed love that really mattered to Alice. As long as Ms. Barbara loved her she would do anything to make her happy, anything she wanted. There was a long way to go to get there but the kiss was a huge step in Barbara's mind.
    Mommie’s part in the Program
    Being a doctor had the good advantage of having plenty of money. It came to use some of it to almost buy Alice's mom Lisa's help in the form of a phony test case study. She had used some real test case studies as guides to help her write one up that looked very legitimate with an initial cash payout of $5000 and generous monthly payments for taking part in the program. One reason it would pay so much is because it required the parent to participate in administering parts of the treatments and doing accurate measurements of the results on a weekly basis. Another part was the non-disclosure portion of the contract that strictly forbade talking about the program to anyone but the primary doctor doing the study. It was not in any way related to the stay at the hospital or her insurance company and was only between her and Dr. Green.
    Dr Green told Lisa that one reason for the upcoming tests was a study of hyper-sexuality in adolescent girls who had a peculiar DNA sequence that sent their bodies into overdevelopment of sex organ ...
    ... sensitivity and in some case orgasmic predisposition that would need to be controlled to lead a somewhat normal life. There would be a good chance as part of the program they could give Alice some help and relief as this developed but it would not be easy at times to see her suffering through the condition and treatments. After a long office visit of some very frank and intense conversation, Lisa agreed to sign the papers for her and Alice to take part in the program but was concerned about sexual intimacy she would have with her daughter to help get her well. The money had been needed but the main thing was helping her daughter through what sounded like a very trying time. Of course the information letters and the whole program was something Dr. Green and made up to further convince the woman it was real.
    Alice was getting used to the routine of the nightly Program treatments. She wrestled with butterflies all day, sometimes purely due to anticipation of seeing Ms. Barbara, and other times as a result of the drugs in her system making her clit throb. She spent all day looking forward to seeing Ms. Barbara again, desperately looking forward to the next time she would kiss her.
    When Ms. Barbara came into her room that night, Alice smiled ear to ear. She sat up as straight as she could with her elevated and stirruped ankle, trying to fix her hair so that she looked nice for Ms. Barbara. Ms. Barbara was carrying things with her, but put them down as soon as she came into ...