1. Housekeepers Hell

    Date: 6/21/2024, Categories: Fiction BDSM Bondage and restriction Cruelty Female/Female Horror, Non-consensual sex Torture, Written by women Author: barbarabadgirl, Source: sexstories.com

    ... the room, but she was not alone.
    "Mommy?" Alice said, confused. Suddenly Alice was worried that maybe she was in trouble- maybe Mommy was upset that Ms. Barbara had kissed her. Alice started to internally panic, but Ms. Barbara's encouraging gaze grounded her instantly. Of course Mommy didn't know about the kiss...Ms. Barbara wouldn't let that happen.
    "Hi, sweetie," Ms. Barbara said lovingly, "we are going to do some assessments tonight, and your Mommy is going to assist me." She busied herself prepping the usual syringes, as Mommy came to Alice’s side to stroke her hair.
    "Now, Lisa, we are going to start with height and weight. Alice hasn't been up today, so I think instead of the bed pan we can get her upright and take her to the toilet quickly. That will likely tire her out, but it's important that we get accurate measurements."
    Both Lisa and Alice seemed to accept this, and Ms. Barbara put the side of the bed down to help Alice out. "Okay, now Lisa you take one side, and I will take the other. Alice," she said, her warm sweet breath just inches from my face, "don't put any weight on your foot okay? If you do, you'll be in trouble."
    Alice put an arm around each woman, allowing them to carry her to the washroom. They sat her on the toilet, modestly pulling her gown up so that she could sit down. Lisa moved to give Alice some privacy, but was stopped by Ms. Barbara. "Please stay with her, Lisa, to make sure she doesn't fall. It might help to hold her while ...
    ... she empties her bladder. After, you will need to very gently wipe her pussy or make sure she doesn't unnecessarily stimulate it."
    Mommy came back into the washroom, and held Alice by the shoulder. "It's okay, sweetie, Mommy's here. Go pee, and then we will get you back into bed."
    Alice was surprised at how tired she was just from being carried to the toilet. Her bladder felt nervous with Mommy in the room, so she really had to focus on peeing. It was nice to have Mommy holding onto her though, because she was very tired. Finally Alice's bladder let go, a steady stream running into the toilet. She announced to her mom that she was finished, and then obediently spread her legs as watched her wipe her naughty little pussy dry. "Thank you for being her for me mommy, it would be really easy to break the rules right now" Alice said politely despite being aroused from even the gentle wiping of her tender pussy. The look in her daughter's eyes did something to Lisa. She had been watching her daughter's steady stream of pee come from her pussy and even that slight touch while wiping her had made her shudder. When Lisa looked from Alice’s pussy to her eyes she saw a sexual heat unlike she had ever seen. At that moment she knew that her daughter's sickness was causing her to enjoy her mother looking at her pussy. Alice's body was filling her mind with sick sexual cravings and that stirred something deeply in Lisa's own body that she was feeling seeping into her mind from the heat of ...