1. Housekeepers Hell

    Date: 6/21/2024, Categories: Fiction BDSM Bondage and restriction Cruelty Female/Female Horror, Non-consensual sex Torture, Written by women Author: barbarabadgirl, Source: sexstories.com

    ... that smoldering hot look.
    Ms.Barbara had watched the entire scene, pleased with Lisa's level of comfort in watching her touching her most private area and how she blushed when Alice looked at her. She entered the washroom to help get Alice upright again and out, quickly taking height and weight measurements before getting her back into bed. Alice was winded with all of the activity and the pain drugs in her system with a bit of sweat beading on her forehead. The woman removed her gown and helped her back into bed, assuring her that the rest of the night would only be some special measurements that may seem unusual but nothing too strenuous. Alice felt content seeing the two most special women in her life taking care of her, working to cure her naughty little pussy.
    Injecting both the libido drugs and pain medication into the shunt in her arm now that the IV bag was not needed soon had Alice pain free and happy on her way to being groggy.
    " Lisa, there is a lot to learn about her condition and what we need as far as measurements. For now, I will do most of the treatments as you observe." Barbara said as she was carefully putting Alice's leg back up in the traction sling. Getting another set of the rigging from a cabinet she made quick work of getting her other leg up in traction as well and sliding the supports on the bar as wide as they would go. Lisa did as she was told as she did her best to hide the excitement she was feeling and how she was now incredibly wet. ...
    ... Her head was spinning from how much she loved seeing her daughter's legs up like that.
    "Okay now that I've given her the pain meds and something to calm her, we can get started on the procedure I will be expecting you to do every week for measurements of our progress" she said to Lisa.
    Looking in the girl's eyes for her pupils to dilate she said " Alice what must be done to get you past this hyper sexual dysfunction is mature your body as quickly as we can. It's a new form of treatment that I am sure will have your body sexually mature in only a couple of months instead of a couple of more years."
    Looking at Lisa " What are you Lisa, A full C cup or D cup bra size? With such very similar builds I expect many women in your family tree have large tits? Open your blouse so I can see them. "
    Lisa was feeling oddly bold and she is a doctor so she opened her zippered top to reveal a white lace bra and deep cleavage.
    "While you have it nearly off, you should put your top on the chair and take a nurse's smock from the top drawer in case things get a little messy" Lisa flinched but didn't ask.
    They agreed that Alice would likely have very firm D cup tits like Lisa had. Dr. Green said " Our goal is to get them that large by means of injections of steroids and other growth hormones and intense forms of stimulation and powerful suction devices. The idea being completed breast growth will help shut down the over reaction her body is having"
    Setting one of the bags on ...