1. Housekeepers Hell

    Date: 6/21/2024, Categories: Fiction BDSM Bondage and restriction Cruelty Female/Female Horror, Non-consensual sex Torture, Written by women Author: barbarabadgirl, Source: sexstories.com

    ... the rolling cart positioned by the bed, Dr. Green pulled out a new hood she had ordered from a high quality BDSM leather crafting company online as well as a new gag that was a ring gag/ball gag combo.
    "Lisa, she is almost out and we have about 15 minutes until she is awake enough to respond so we can take that time to show you some things about the types of restraints that will be needed to hold her still for the more difficult treatments that will come later."
    They soon had on wrist cuffs as well as cuffs at her knees to hold her legs open wider for later. An adjustable luggage type strap was clipped to each cuff and to the upper bar of the traction rigging.
    " Lisa, when I take her wrists and pull her forward help lift her to near a sitting position then put the pillows behind her so I can let off some of the tension on her arms"
    The two women spent several minutes getting the hood with the mouth and eye holes on her head and her long pretty hair pulled out through a hole in the top so it cascaded down to her shoulders. The blindfold placed over her eyes and the gag ring then the gag secured in her mouth. Lisa seemed aghast at how it seemed so severe but accepted the doctors explanations and reasoning it was for her own good to not see what was happening and not hurt herself or them in her drugged state or reactions to the treatments. But what Lisa was really feeling was another rush of tingling in her pussy to be part of what Dr. Green had told her would be ...
    ... a highly sexual situation in trying to help her daughter.
    Carefully documented
    Dr. Green set up two tripods with cameras as well as one handheld camera feeding the videos to the new laptop computer explaining to Lisa that part of the program was tracking not just the measurements but the treatments to help define this partially experimental procedure when reviewed later.
    Alice drifted off to a drugged sleep with the vision of her mommy and her goddess in front of her, working to help her. She felt safe, cared for, and loved- invulnerable- in spite of the fact that she was naked.
    When Alice came to, she felt very confined and restricted. She realized quickly that Ms. Barbara had tied her up again so that she didn't hurt herself. Her arms and legs were restrained, and she was sitting up with pillows propped behind her for support. She worked to slow her breathing as she took in her surroundings, distracted yet again by the ache in her naughty little pussy.
    Alice felt drool running down her chin as she realized she was ball gagged, but soon realized that her mouth was open far wider than it usually was- there was something keeping her mouth open around the ball. Her head was fully restricted, leather material fully covering her face, and a blindfold covering her eyes. She started to moan and wiggle, feeling claustrophobic- then she felt gentle hands on her shoulders, and heard Ms. Barbara's soft reassuring voice.
    "Hi Alice, shhhh, you're okay. I am here with ...