1. Housekeepers Hell

    Date: 6/21/2024, Categories: Fiction BDSM Bondage and restriction Cruelty Female/Female Horror, Non-consensual sex Torture, Written by women Author: barbarabadgirl, Source: sexstories.com

    ... mommy...we are just doing some tests on you. You need to be a good girl and stay still, okay?"
    Alice felt mommy's hand on her leather clad face, hearing her voice say "Hi baby, we are just getting started. You're going to be okay- just be still." Lisa was beside herself with butterflies swarming her belly and tickling her clit!
    Alice felt instantly grounded by the care and compassion in the women's voices, and sank into the mattress. Her pussy was absolutely on fire between her legs, but she tried to control herself so as not to be embarrassed. Every now and then a shiver would tear through her, her consciousness always on the brink of an orgasm. Her nipples were rock hard, the product of an overstimulated body.
    Being blindfolded and restrained, Alice had to rely on hearing to follow what was happening- it was really disorienting. She could hear Ms. Barbara preparing things, and still felt her mom's gentle hands stroking her hair.
    Finally, she felt Ms. Barbara's gentle gloved hand cup her left breast. "Okay, Alice, we are going to do some measurements now. As you know, part of the treatment is to increase your breast size...we will take baseline measurements tonight, and then measure your nipples and breasts weekly to ensure that you stay on track. You are going to feel a few pinches, and they may ache.
    Alice braced herself, but her nervousness was premature as she felt Ms. Barbara's hands gently groping her breasts. She realized that she was spreading some ...
    ... sort of lubricant all over her, paying special attention to her ultra sensitive nipples. Alice moaned, instantly embarrassed that she let her mom see her arousal. She couldn't help it though- Ms. Barbara's massage of her tender breasts felt amazing. She could feel drool leaking out of her mouth, moaning incoherently- she must have looked a sight- what was mommy thinking?
    Alice then felt a cool glass object touch her warmed breast, and a smaller cylinder over her nipple. She heard Ms. Barbara say "Okay Lisa, hold her other breast to distract her while I set this up." Then, Alice felt her mom's hand massaging her breast, just as Ms. Barbara's had- Alice kept moaning, the drugs coursing through her system amplifying every touch. She didn't even care that it was her mother's hand on her- she just wanted more.
    As she was getting lost in the sensation, she felt a sharp pinch on her other breast- and a jolt through her nipple. The glass cylinders were sucking and tightening, and her breast was instantly aching. The powerful suction felt like someone was sharply pinching her nipple, and Ms. Barbara kept tightening the cylinder! Alice moaned, now equally from pain as from the pleasure being given by her mother. "Shh, Alice, we are almost there- we just need to make sure it's on right so that we can measure...you're doing so well sweetie," Ms. Barbara said, pulling Alice's focus to her so craved praise.
    At long last the cylinders stopped tightening, now held on to Alice's breast ...