1. Housekeepers Hell

    Date: 6/21/2024, Categories: Fiction BDSM Bondage and restriction Cruelty Female/Female Horror, Non-consensual sex Torture, Written by women Author: barbarabadgirl, Source: sexstories.com

    ... by the suction. It felt heavy on Alice's small breast, causing tension. She heard Ms. Barbara go to the other side of her, no doubt to attach a matching cylinder to her other breast. The suctioned breast was already aching, the nipple searing in pain. Alice was freely moaning, in spite of her mom's reassuring words and hair stokes.
    "Okay, Lisa, you are going to do the other one now. It is really important that they go on evenly, so that the measurements are accurate. This is at 11 PSI suction so get it nice and straight. Thats it, now dial up the suction to 11"
    As she used the handheld camera to take in close up views of the girls tits swelled and pink in the clear glass cones Barbara made sure to get some views of Lisa's face without being obvious.
    I don't think that Alice is going to be able to focus on not moving, given how overstimulated she is so try to not let her moaning and straining in the bonds worry you. She is fine, it's the reaction to her condition causing most of the moaning. The poor thing must want to orgasm so terribly but we can not let her or it will make her condition worsen at this phase.
    It was that moment as Lisa watched her daughter's nipple pulled into the inner cone and her whole tit being sucked deeply into the outer cone Barbara saw the first real sign of arousal on the woman's face and sensed the sexual tension building in her. To be so near such a sexy young woman hearing her moan and strain for orgasm would make anyone turned on ...
    ... and to be the one doing something to make it more intense for them the ultimate in sexual control and power to deny them Lisa was experiencing for the first time. She seemed to almost shudder from the realization that she would be doing this over and over for a long time and would be turned on by it and liked it. The look on her face made it clear to Barbara that Lisa liked it very much as she let the camera in her hand discreetly record it.
    Wanting to keep it clinical she took the role Dr. Barbara Green with her cool demeanor and continued teaching Lisa as they marked the cylinders and then adjusted the suction to 15 negative PSI making Alice pant faster as she tried to not panic.
    " Lisa, these are not only a measuring device but as you may have guessed are also one of the treatments you will be doing at home. Everything we need to continue home treatment will be supplied as part of the program. We will keep them on her for 15 minutes. Now, talk to her and caress her face and keep her calm as I set up for the next measurement."
    When Ms. Barbara upped the pressure in the suction cups, Alice felt her nipples tighten and pull. She let out a spit soaked moan, her overstimulated body shivering at the additional pressure. She felt her mother's comforting hands stroking her hair, and tried to focus on her voice instead of the discomfort in her breasts.
    She tried to say "mommy", but the ball gag prevented her from speaking, so it came out in another moan, drool freely ...