1. Housekeepers Hell

    Date: 6/21/2024, Categories: Fiction BDSM Bondage and restriction Cruelty Female/Female Horror, Non-consensual sex Torture, Written by women Author: barbarabadgirl, Source: sexstories.com

    ... running down her chin and onto her lubricated and suctioned chest.
    "Shh, baby, don't try to talk. You have the ball in your mouth so you don't choke...it's okay...Mommy's here, and Dr. Green is helping you...we are just taking some measurements. I know it's uncomfortable, but you just have to be still while we work, okay?", all the while stroking my hair and cheeks through the leather hood.
    She was so focused on the dull ache in her breasts and tight nipples that she didn't feel Ms. Barbara moving around the room, laying things out on a tray and preparing for the next treatment- all Alice could feel was her mom's presence, and her suctioned tits.
    At long last, she heard Ms. Barbara back near her head, feeling her hand on her cheek opposite mommy's. "You are doing so well, sweetie...we got our measurements, and your first treatment is over. Good girl," she said, pride in her voice showing through. She gently released the first suction cup, and Alice moaned as the blood rushed through the tender tissue.
    "Lisa, please remove the other one," Ms. Barbara said matter of factly. Alice could feel mommy's hands on her other breast, breaking the suction and freeing her nipple from its confinement. She instinctively cupped Alice's breast in comfort, massaging it as the blood returned. "That's enough," Ms. Barbara said sharply, "we don't want to overstimulate her." Lisa quickly let go of Alice's breast, unaware of what she had been doing and feeling guilty for doing it. If ...
    ... she had been paying attention, she would've seen the slightest smirk on the good Doctor's pretty mouth.
    Alice felt mommy's hand replaced by Ms. Barbara's on her swollen breasts, prodding and examining. "That was a very good first treatment," she mused, mostly to herself. "The nipple work will be most important," she said, taking something off of the tray beside her. "We will need to clamp her nipples regularly to encourage elongation; we will start by clamping during the next procedure and see how it goes."
    Ms. Barbara handed Lisa one of the clover clamps, showing her how they are to attach to Alice's nipples. "These will cause discomfort right now because the tissue is so swollen and tender, but they will also be more effective when administered right after pumping," she said smoothly, gently twisting Alice's nipple in her fingers to make it erect. "We will loosen the tension on these to get her used to them; eventually they will be quite pinched, but for today we will keep them just tight enough to stay, not enough to cause pain. Routine will be important to Alice as she gets used to the treatments."
    She saw Lisa smile wickedly as copied her actions with Alice's other nipple without being told, and was pleased with the initiative. "That's it, just roll it enough so that it gets good and hard. With her current state of arousal, it doesn't take much," Ms. Barbara instructed.
    The sensation of having both nipples played with my different hands had Alice in an absolute ...