1. Housekeepers Hell

    Date: 6/21/2024, Categories: Fiction BDSM Bondage and restriction Cruelty Female/Female Horror, Non-consensual sex Torture, Written by women Author: barbarabadgirl, Source: sexstories.com

    ... state. Her nipples were tender from the suction, but the stimulation introduced pleasure to this discomfort. Alice began freely moaning again, the excess spit in her mouth gurgling as she tried to move under the women's touch- whether she was trying to lean into the touch or away from it, not even Alice knew. Her restraints kept her firmly in place, so it was easy for Mommy and Ms. Barbara to clamp her nipples. She felt Ms. Barbara's go on first, a sharp pinch from her nipple directly to her clit. Ms. Barbara adjusted the clamp so that it stayed, not painfully but so that Alice was still aware of it. Mommy's soon followed, and Alice's moaning continued. She breathed deeply, reveling in the sensation as she craved an orgasm. She desperately wanted to ask for one, but didn't want her mommy to know what a naughty little pussy she had.
    "Do those feel okay sweetie?" Ms. Barbara asked, knowing Alice couldn't answer. "Just moan if they do." Alice gurgled her appreciation and need. "Good girl," Ms. Barbara said. "Now Lisa, I am going to get set up for the next measurements. As you are taking a set of photos of this phase keep a watch on Alice's nipples to ensure that they don't turn too red- we want to keep them at a light pink, not purple. Please talk to her and caress her to keep our girl comfortable while I get ready for the next procedure." Alice felt Mommy's breath on her lubed breasts as she looked closely at her nipples, and then her hands again in her hair. Alice was so ...
    ... content and comforted, happy to be touched.
    Further down the rabbit hole.
    Lisa was enthralled at what they had done to Alice! How the clamps bit into her tender nipples and she moaned and panted. She took lots of pictures and told Alice how good she was being and how this would help her.
    "Lisa, before moving on to the second set of measurements that is also a treatment we will need to reposition her more onto her back but before we do we need to fit her with a chest harness that will help keep her breasts growing normally at the accelerated pace we are looking for."
    Taking a simple looking set of straps that looked much like a bra with no cups that had silver rings at each joint and adjustable buckles on each strap, Barbara had it on her fairly quickly. Marking the holes the buckles were in at a comfortable snugness she explained to Lisa how it was a good measuring device as well as training bra of sorts.
    " Okay, now get on the other side of the bed from me and I will show you how to increase the effectiveness of the belt to hold the base of her breast in the right shape as they grow by forcing the growth outward."
    Handing Lisa a double ended snap hook she showed her how to put in on the ring where the side straps meet the back strap so the toggle to the slide snap was facing outwards. "We will be attaching a second band to these and two more that will hook to the ring between her breasts after getting the harness tightened properly to begin the swelling ...