1. Housekeepers Hell

    Date: 6/21/2024, Categories: Fiction BDSM Bondage and restriction Cruelty Female/Female Horror, Non-consensual sex Torture, Written by women Author: barbarabadgirl, Source: sexstories.com

    ... process."
    Tightening the back strap and shoulder straps one notch each had the harness held tight to her body and almost restricting her from taking in a full breath but would cause no danger. Each strap around the base of her firm perfect little tits pulled them tight to make them bulge over the straps but not so much as to cut off too much circulation but plenty to make her nipples puff and swell in the clover clamps that dangled from them.
    "Okay Lisa you should get used to taking the pictures and learning the best angles for comparison pictures later."
    Taking two straps that looked like circular collars with two small rings and two sets of buckles opposite of each other she showed Lisa how to snap the rings to the outside and between her breasts with the strap loosely circling the midpoint.
    " Okay lets each tighten the tops straps one notch each then the bottom strap one notch. We really want to focus the growth outwards so she won't end up with fat, deformed breasts."
    It was Lisa who could not resist cupping and caressing her daughter's tits as they were trapped in the hellish black leather bra to feel the tightness and heat of them as the heavy nipple clamps dangled and made Alice shiver and twist as much as she dared.
    Alice listened to Ms. Barbara's instructions to mommy, and prepared herself for the harness. She leaned forward with mommy's help, feeling her hands rubbing her back as she adjusted herself. It was hard to lean forward with both legs in ...
    ... stirrups, so mommy had to help prop her up. Mommy rubbed Alice's back to help her relax, which felt comforting.
    Alice allowed the women to put her in the harness, trying to be still as they adjusted the multiple pinch points. The straps were tight- uncomfortably so- but they didn't hurt.
    Alice lay in her bed, feeling mommy and Ms. Barbara's hands working the straps all around her breasts. Sometimes one of them would cup her breast, pulling it forward through the straps to make sure that it was properly adjusted. Every time Alice felt hands, the sensation felt like electricity all the way through her body, with an end path of her throbbing clit. When they bumped the clamps she flinched and moaned but couldn't help it.
    All Alice wanted was for someone to touch her clit- even just graze it. Her body was humming with need, and having the two women work on her just made it more acute. Alice listened to their voices, thinking about how grateful she was to have people taking care of her, and looking out for her. Mommy was so nice to be here all night to help Ms. Barbara.
    And Ms. Barbara- Alice was in love! The sound of her voice, the smell of her hair, the feel of her gloved hands...her lips- kissing Ms. Barbara was one of the most special experiences that Alice had ever had- probably THE most. Thoughts of that kiss consumed her, which at times like this when her body was so close to orgasm, was AGONY. Alice kind of wanted mommy to leave her alone with Ms. Barbara just so ...