1. Housekeepers Hell

    Date: 6/21/2024, Categories: Fiction BDSM Bondage and restriction Cruelty Female/Female Horror, Non-consensual sex Torture, Written by women Author: barbarabadgirl, Source: sexstories.com

    ... that she could kiss her again, but realized that was selfish- mommy is just helping Ms. Barbara take care of her and her naughty little pussy- Alice should be grateful.
    The two sets of hands kept tightening, adjusting, grazing- until Alice was fully harnessed. Her breasts were pointed straight out through the bra portion, clover clamps hanging softly on her nipples. The straps on the harness dug into Alice's skin, making it hard for her to get comfortable. She kept trying to squirm or adjust, but it was no use.
    "I know it's tight, sweetie, but it has to be to keep everything growing in the right way," Ms. Barbara said as she rubbed my back. "You don't have to wear it all the time, but you will need to wear it regularly. Now we need you to hold still while mommy takes some pictures of you; we need to get more baseline information for your measurements so that we can see progress."
    Alice felt Ms. Barbara's hands on her shoulders, squaring them as she helped Alice to sit up straighter. As Alice sat up, awkwardly pulling on her stirruped legs, forcing her legs further apart. As her legs spread, a whisper of air rushed her exposed clit, causing Alice to gasp- a shiver went through her entire body, the small sensation threatening to push her over the edge of orgasm. Ms. Barbara felt the jolt go through Alice, squeezing her shoulders and rubbing her back to calm her. Mommy was focused on taking photos, first further away from Alice's whole body in the harness, then closer ...
    ... up to get the breasts. At this point Lisa was across the room adjusting the focus of the camera. After giving her some instructions, Ms. Barbara bent low to Alice's ear so that only Alice could hear her.
    "I know you want to cum, sweetie- I saw what just happened. You can't cum- I know your clit must be aching to be touched- that naughty little pussy of yours needs so much attention- but you can't cum- it will just make you more sick. You need to focus on controlling your urges...I am going to help you with treatments, but you need to work at it too my sweet darling girl."
    Alice listened attentively, ashamed that she almost let Ms. Barbara down by cumming. She moaned, trying to communicate understanding, and Ms. Barbara patted her cheek. "Good girl, I know you're trying," she said, causing Alice to feel safe. By then Mommy was close, looking to take photos of Alice's harnessed, exposed, and clamped breasts.
    The women posed Alice in a few different ways, each movement further opening her legs, further airing out her clit- Alice worked so hard not to cum, so as not to disappoint Ms. Barbara. Each whisper of air made her shiver, but she held on to the edge, trying to quiet her naughty little pussy
    Barbara had to hide her smiles over how eager Lisa had become to snap the pictures of what they were doing to her daughter. Taking a few moments to upload them to the laptop and go over them Barbara was able to see the very close attention the woman was paying to the details ...