1. Housekeepers Hell

    Date: 6/21/2024, Categories: Fiction BDSM Bondage and restriction Cruelty Female/Female Horror, Non-consensual sex Torture, Written by women Author: barbarabadgirl, Source: sexstories.com

    ... between her legs. Ms. Barbara gently rubbed Alice’s clit- barely touching it, knowing that any intense stimulation would make her cum immediately- but just barely stroking it to keep Alice’s attention and to keep her calm. “That’s it, Alice, watch Nurse Trina. Your sick mommy deserves this. You have to see this...good girl. Keep your eyes open and I won’t stop,” Ms. Barbara encouraged, and Alice did as she was told.
    She had no idea how long mommy’s torture went on for- eventually mommy stopped screaming so much, more from exhaustion than a lack of pain. Ms. Barbara would stop rubbing Alice’s clit when the stimulation became too much, encouraging her to relax before she started again. The slight clit stimulation was enough to keep Alice focused, so that she could watch Mommy’s treatment. At the end, Nurse Trina put on Mommie’s head harness with built-in headphones and let mommy sleep. Her reddened breasts now swelled in the harness at last a full cup size bigger. The syringes from the heated liquid had been removed with a few of the injection sites trickling small tails of dark red blood. Two longer needles without syringes pierced sideways through each nipple she would wake up to see and feel. Ms. Barbara tucked Alice in too, promising that she could cum tomorrow. Ms. Barbara put the wave sounds on Alice’s headphones, and she drifted instantly to sleep.
    Move to the farm
    The dark web sales of the medial tortures and sexual torments of the mom and daughter were ...
    ... getting higher and higher bids for custom scenes. Trina's cruelty contrasting with the sensual and sexual ways Barbara treated Alice had customers wanting everything from snuff to romantic marriages. Many were waiting to see how Alice's virginity would be taken and offers of many thousands were coming in from those who wanted to be the ones to do it as well as big offers to see it done sadistically. Trina knew that would be up to Barbara and she still had lots of plans for her prisoner bitch Lisa.
    Trina was spending a lot of time at the farm. When not busy with Alice's treatments or torturing her mom in ever more painful and humiliating ways to satisfy the lust of the online hoard of sadists, she was working on an idea for another group of fetishists who wanted something else they would pay a lot of money to see. Barbara and Trina were taking this further than they had ever expected it to go but the situation was too perfect to not take full advantage of and Barbara’s old family farm was the perfect place to continue
    Now with the profiles on several kink sites and the website set up they had a lot of people who would pay a lot of money to see the kinds of porn that can't be found in many places. Real life mother and daughter slaves that were as hot as these two with the medical enhancements on board were drawing huge interest with people ready to bid on what happens to them next was going to make them very rich. But even without the huge interest in what they were doing this ...