1. Housekeepers Hell

    Date: 6/21/2024, Categories: Fiction BDSM Bondage and restriction Cruelty Female/Female Horror, Non-consensual sex Torture, Written by women Author: barbarabadgirl, Source: sexstories.com

    ... mean to and just lost control. Something was stuffed in her mouth and a cloth gag tied around her neck making her sound even more pitiful than she looked. Alice felt sorry for Mommy, but knew that there was nothing that she could do. She heard the waves telling her “mommy deserves this”
    Barbara turned on the wall mounted Smart TV they had linked to the computer and the screen lit up with the silent scene of Lisa strapping the cock gag in her helpless daughter's mouth the night she had raped her. Lisa had been told there were videos as Trina abused her in the living room a few minutes before but it was still a shock for Alice to see what it looked like on the screen.
    “That’s right you sick perverted slut. Look at you defiling your own daughter for your sick sexual needs! You make me sick you evil fucking cunt! “
    Trina slapped the woman's face hard then left the room in anger.
    She came back with a cart putting it beside the bed- steam was released into the room as she lifted the lid of a crockpot on it. Shortly after she took something from it over to Mommy, that’s when Alice heard the first scream. With Trina blocking her view it took Alice a while to figure out what was happening. Mommy was screaming so loud that she couldn’t hear what Nurse Trina was doing. Eventually Alice realized that Nurse Trina was sticking needles into mommy’s breasts! When she got a view of the syringes of liquid sticking in her mommies tortured breasts, Alice started to scream too ...
    ... through her gag! (Also, unbeknownst to Alice, Nurse Trina would torment Lisa’s ass hole. Lisa would writhe from the anal torment. Nurse Trina just smiled and thought, “The bitch does not know what is in store for her ass later at the barn”. )
    Ms. Barbara quickly came to her bedside to shush her and calm her down. Ms. Barbara delicately wiped the tears and spit off of Alice’s face, and stroked her hair until she calmed down. Alice tried to close her eyes, but Ms. Barbara gently asked her to watch: “Alice, you need to see this. I don’t like it any more than you do, but it’s what Mommy deserves. Be a brave girl for me and watch, please. If you can watch, I will rub your clit a bit, okay?”
    Alice opened her eyes, wanting to be brave and impress Ms. Barbara. She also couldn’t pass up the chance to have someone touch her needy clit. She focused on mommy, trying to drown out her screams as Nurse Trina was now pressing the plungers of each syringe injecting something into her pierced breasts. Every time Nurse Trina injected the hot liquid, Mommy screamed and cried and begged it to stop. Alice thought she could count at least ten needles in each breast and so far, only four injections of the steaming hot yellowish liquid hand been injected into her mom’s bound tits. She couldn’t imagine the pain that mommy was going through. Just as she was about to beg Ms. Barbara to make Nurse Trina stop (which would’ve been a garbled mess through her ball gag), she felt Ms. Barbara’s gentle touch ...