1. Housekeepers Hell

    Date: 6/21/2024, Categories: Fiction BDSM Bondage and restriction Cruelty Female/Female Horror, Non-consensual sex Torture, Written by women Author: barbarabadgirl, Source: sexstories.com

    ... talked about earlier today? About Mommy staying out of jail?” Alice nodded, looking up at Ms. Barbara and trying not to feel embarrassed as Nurse Trina ogled her swollen breasts and pussy. “Nurse Trina and I are going to start Mommy’s punishments tonight. I am not going to put your headphones back in because I want you to hear us. It is going to be hard for you to listen to, but it’s important that you understand what I am doing to keep you safe. Just remember that Mommy raped you, and it is my responsibility as the person who cares for you to make sure that she is punished. I want Mommy to still be in your life, but she can’t have the same power over you. I am going to take that power away from her, okay? She won’t hurt you again.”
    Alice nodded as Ms. Barbara spoke, still enamored with the woman- enamored enough not to question what she was saying, even grateful for Ms. Barbara’s discretion in not sending mommy to jail. Ms Barbara adjusted Alice’s bed to be more sitting up, putting some more pillows around her for comfort.
    “Trina, I assume you have prepared the first round of injections for bitch mommy?”
    “Yes Doctor Green, they should be ready by now. I will bring in the prisoner first and get her prepped then proceed with her punishment. “
    Nurse Trina came back into the room with mommy. Her hands tied and mouth gagged, with ropes around her chest and tits making them stick out proud from her chest. Her reddened flesh showed she had been face slapped and her ...
    ... big tits slapped. Many places on her ass and legs were several deep red patches with some dark spots starting to bruise.
    Mommy was naked, and looked very scared when she was led past her. Alice’s mouth automatically watered at seeing her mom’s nipples, such a learned source of comfort as Mommy let her suck on them when she was having treatments. Alice chastised herself, remembering that Ms. Barbara said that was an abuse of mommy’s power.
    Nurse Trina was tying Mommy to Alice’s bed- the one she used to sleep in before she got hurt. (Just before tying Alice’s mom, Nurse Trina turned Lisa’s back and ass towards Alice. Nurse Trina then spread Lisa’s ass cheeks wide apart showing Alice’s mom’s ass hole to Alice. “See here Alice, your mom wants her ass well used as she wants it to be her favorite hole to be fucked.” Alice blushed as Nurse Trina lubed Lisa’s ass hole to muffled protests. Once Lisa’s hole was properly prepared, Nurse Trina without much fanfare shoved a butt plug with remote vibration antenna up Alice’s mom’s ass hole. Trina then rolled Lisa back on her back where she tied Lisa tied to all four corners, completely displayed.) Alice was still gagged, so couldn’t ask questions or comfort Mommy- she just had to trust that Ms. Barbara knew what was best.
    Ms. Barbara and Nurse Trina were telling Mommy what a bad woman she was for raping her daughter, and that she needed to be punished for her crime. Mommy was begging them not to, apologizing saying that she didn’t ...