1. Housekeepers Hell

    Date: 6/21/2024, Categories: Fiction BDSM Bondage and restriction Cruelty Female/Female Horror, Non-consensual sex Torture, Written by women Author: barbarabadgirl, Source: sexstories.com

    ... had been Barbara's dream and project for a long time and now it was going better than those wild dreams of creating the perfect sex slave. Alice had been her goal. Her mom Lisa was the bonus.
    The work crews had been fast. The horse barn now had wiring and good lighting. There were fresh shavings in the hall and stalls. One stall now divided in half lined with chain link fence with twin openings in the wall and nice, fully enclosed runs out into the paddock. The ideal set up for two penned in dogs. The group of fans who wanted to see the mother and daughter caged like animals would pay ten times over for videos of the pretty mother, daughter pair bound and fucked and locked in the pens. Even the live cams of them eating and sleeping caged would bring in easy money. It had already started with Lisa.
    After the first punishment of Lisa in front of her daughter, Trina put the collar on Lisa and led her out of the house. For the next 50 hours Alice would not see her mom.
    When they got to the barn a few hundred feet down a path from the house, Trina took Lisa to a special concrete holding cell, not unlike those in a prison, took her cuffed wrists and attached them to a hook in the wall. Taking a fireman’s hose she proceeded to wash the helpless woman using a brush and soap. Once cleaned, she put a leather hood on her. The only open areas on the hood were for the nose and mouth.
    The world was now shut off to Lisa. She could no longer see or hear. She hung there naked and ...
    ... trembled in fear. Mistress Trina left her to hang there for about 30 minutes. The cam continued to film Lisa alone in the cell. In the office in the house the row of monitors were mostly dark but one showed the woman bound in her cell limp and quiet and on the computer monitoring the site they had set up a counter showing 32 people currently watching.
    After about 30 minutes Mistress Trina came back into the cell and held a drink to Lisa. The hooded woman drank the fluid as she was very thirsty. The drink was drugged so that Lisa would lose some sense of where she was and yet alert enough to hear what was going on. Mistress Trina then put 6 inch stiletto heels on her so that her balance was unstable, then attached a leash to the collar. She unhooked the slaves' cuffed ankles then led Lisa out of the cell and down the hall to the new playroom, as she called it. Lisa obeyed as she was bound to a St. Andrew’s cross with her back facing Trina.
    Trina then walked up and cupped Lisa’s ass cheeks and kneaded them and spread and pulled them open and closed. She opened the ear holes to the mask and said, “You are my slave now, I will do with you as I will. You will submit all of you to me. You will be nothing but my slave. You are no longer Lisa, you are, butthole.” When finished she stood back and picked up a leather strap and proceeded to strap her as red and burning as the woman twisted and screamed. Mistress Trina then instructed Lisa to say with each blow from the strap that ...