1. Housekeepers Hell

    Date: 6/21/2024, Categories: Fiction BDSM Bondage and restriction Cruelty Female/Female Horror, Non-consensual sex Torture, Written by women Author: barbarabadgirl, Source: sexstories.com

    ... about the events of the night before- each was lost in their own thoughts, and preparing for Ms. Barbara’s visit. Alice had butterflies at the thought of seeing her in person again- it had been so long, and she was still so head over heels. Alice secretly hoped she could have some time alone with Ms. Barbara so that she could have another kiss.
    As luck would have it, Alice got her wish- as soon as Ms. Barbara and nurse Trina arrived, she asked to speak with Alice alone under the guise of needing to do some routine interviewing of each of them separately to track the progress of the new program. Mommy easily agreed. She and nurse Trina would talk in the living room leaving Ms. Barbara and Alice alone to talk in Alice’s room.
    As soon as they were alone, Ms. Barbara leaned into Alice for a kiss- it was everything Alice had been dreaming of and more. She felt her clit throb, pussy gush, and nipples tense all at once as Ms. Barbara's soft lips met hers; the kiss lasted forever, and not long enough. When Ms. Barbara finally pulled back, Alice could already feel a wet spot on the sheets underneath her, and had a goofy grin on her face. “Hi, Ms. Barbara,” Alice said dreamily.
    “Hi Alice, you look wonderful,” Ms. Barbara said proudly. “Stand up, and let me look at you.”
    Alice did as she was told, leaving the wet spot where she had sat. Ms. Barbara touched the spot, and then put her fingers to her lips. “Such a naughty, messy little pussy,” Ms Barbara said, beginning to ...
    ... grope Alice’s growing breasts. She pinched her nipples, cupping her breasts and lifting them to let them fall. Ms. Barbara kept muttering her approval, slowly moving her way down to Alice’s naughty little pussy. She slightly parted her legs, just enough to see her clit peeking out through her lips. “Good girl, Alice, I am so impressed with your growth,” she said as she gently stroked the exposed clit. At her touch Alice’s knees weakened, the girl almost falling to the ground but grabbing on to Ms. Barbara for support. “I am going to touch you two more times, Alice, please don’t cum and stay standing,” she said firmly. Alice righted her posture, keeping her legs slightly parted for Ms. Barbara. She took a deep breath as she again felt fingers brush her rock hard clit, keenly aware of the juices now dripping down her leg. She moaned, desperately trying not to cum. After all the stimulation the night before, Alice’s clit was raw and ready to explode- of course, Ms. Barbara knew this. “That’s it, just one more Alice,” she said encouragingly, this time pinching her clit and rolling it between her fingers until Alice’s knees gave out.
    Alice fell to the floor, instantly embarrassed. Ms. Barbara helped her up, sitting her down in the wet spot on the bed. “Do you know why that happened, Alice?” Ms barbara said gently.
    “N...no,” Alice said, unsure. “It happened because your mommy made you cum last night, and now your clit is even more over-sensitive than it was before,” Ms Barbara ...