1. Housekeepers Hell

    Date: 6/21/2024, Categories: Fiction BDSM Bondage and restriction Cruelty Female/Female Horror, Non-consensual sex Torture, Written by women Author: barbarabadgirl, Source: sexstories.com

    ... said matter-of-factly, leaving no room for argument. “Im sorry Ms. Barbara, I didnt mean to disappoint you...I...I dont know what happened...I knew it was wrong, but I just...I needed to cum so badly, and I...mommy...we…” Alice stammered, knowing that there was nothing she could say to plead her case.
    To her surprise, Ms. Barbara put her finger to her lips and shushed her. “I know, sweetie, I saw the whole thing- it wasn’t your fault. Mommy took advantage of you- she raped you,” Ms. Barbara said gently. Alice was quick to defend mommy: “No, no that’s not what happened...I asked her to...I wanted it...:” Alice stammered, desperate for Ms. Barbara to understand. “I know it felt that way, Alice, but mommy is an adult and she has a responsibility. Now, usually in these situations I would need to get the police involved…”
    They both heard loud voices in anger coming from the living room. There were sounds of struggling and Lisa pleading.
    “NO!” Alice said desperately. “No Ms. Barbara please, don’t do that to my mom!”
    “...or, in this case, I might be willing to make an exception- but you need to understand, Alice, what mommy did to you was wrong- it was an abuse of power. If we are not going to get the police involved, then we need to make sure that she understands what she did was wrong, and stop her from ever abusing her power over you like that again, do you understand? Lisa is part of this program too and she is very angry at your mom putting it all at risk raping ...
    ... her own daughter in such sick perverted ways.”
    Alice considered Ms. Barbara’s words. She thought about waking up with the dildo gag in her mouth, mommy’s pussy over her face. She thought about mommy slapping her every time she spat her nipple out. The forced diaper wearing, even when Alice said no. Maybe mommy was taking advantage of her. She looked at Ms. Barbara- the woman that she loved, who cared for her above all else, and instantly trusted her. “Okay- you promise you won’t tell the police? I don't want mommy to go away,” Alice said. “I promise,” Ms. Barbara cooed, stroking alice’s face. “I won’t call the police. But we will need to teach your mommy a lesson- she behaved like a bitch to you, and so Trina and I will need to treat her like one until she understands how to treat you. It isn’t going to be nice, Alice, and it will be hard to see- but you need to know that I am protecting you, and it’s either this or she goes to jail- do you understand?”
    Alice nodded, thinking about the painful TENS treatments- Alice didn’t like those, but they were for her own good- this is similar, she supposed. “Thank you Ms. Barbara” she said politely, offering her another kiss. “You’re welcome, sweetie,” Ms Barbara said, returning the kiss with a passion that almost made Alice squirt. “The good news to come out of all of this, Alice, is that now that you have cum with no adverse effects, you can cum more regularly. We will be adding some orgasms to your treatment plan, along with the ...