1. Housekeepers Hell

    Date: 6/21/2024, Categories: Fiction BDSM Bondage and restriction Cruelty Female/Female Horror, Non-consensual sex Torture, Written by women Author: barbarabadgirl, Source: sexstories.com

    ... not be in any of the videos or photos that would only show the vile things a truly sick woman was doing to her daughter after getting her home from the hospital and making home movies of it.
    Divided and Conquered
    Dr. Green called into her office voice mail system.
    “ As the schedule shows I will be away from the office and hospital for the next five days until Monday the 22nd. Any emergencies use my work cell and leave a message”
    Alice woke up with mommy’s nipple in her mouth, unknowingly suckling while she slept. Mommy was awake, watching her daughter self-soothe while she slept, stroking her hair. Alice didn’t spit mommy’s nipple out when she woke up- she had become used to the sensation, and genuinely did find it soothing- which she needed as she remembered what had happened last night.
    Alice was sore between her legs- not as she usually is from the injections and the inspections and the stretching and TENS machine, but a different kind of ache- the kind that comes from having been forced to cum over and over and over. She was surprised to realize that her forced orgasms the night before did nothing to lessen the urge- if anything, she felt like she needed to cum even more than usual this morning. She shifted in bed, realizing that mommy had put a diaper on her as she slept. Her hands were free, so she grabbed at it, trying to take it off. “Shhh, baby, just leave it- your pussy was so leaky last night I had to put it on you...you squirted so much and then ...
    ... couldn’t stop.”
    It started to all come back to Alice; the torture, mommy hurting her, and then the countless orgasms as Mommy completely ravaged her. She knew that what mommy had done to her was wrong, but she felt so grateful for having been allowed to cum that she couldn’t see the situation clearly. Mommy let her suckle a bit more, and then took her nipple out of Alice’s mouth, stroking the girl’s hair.
    “We need to get up and get you bathed and changed, baby, Ms. Barbara is coming over today.”
    Alice jolted at the thought- would Ms. Barbara be able to tell what had happened? Would she be upset? Disappointed? Alice put on a brave face- she didn’t want mommy to know that she was nervous about what had happened- she was so hopeful that it would happen again.
    Mommy took Alice’s soaked diaper off; she was so dehydrated that she had yet to go pee- it was soaked from her still gushing fluids. Mommy helped Alice bathe, the girl feeling quite weak after the ordeal the night before. Alice got dressed in her newest and nicest lingerie; the crotchless panties showed off her ever-engorged clit, now peeking out past her labia, while the cupless bra showed her elongated nipples and swollen breasts perfectly. Alice was about to put a dress on over herself, but mommy told her not to- “Ms.Barbara will want to see you looking comfortable in your new body- it is too beautiful to cover up,” she said as she slightly adjusted Alice’s breasts in the bra.
    Mommy and Alice didn’t talk ...