1. Housekeepers Hell

    Date: 6/21/2024, Categories: Fiction BDSM Bondage and restriction Cruelty Female/Female Horror, Non-consensual sex Torture, Written by women Author: barbarabadgirl, Source: sexstories.com

    ... strapped to the bed. Gathering the pump on the butt plug and the chain connected to each of the claps into a bundle she gave them a pull to test the reaction. Alice’s whole body jerked and she yelped, sending visible shivers over Lisa’s body. Lisa’s eyes were filled with a bloodlust now. She jerked the chains harder and more straight up yanking the nipples clamps savagely!
    She set up a heartbeat timed tugging gently on the clamps and soon Alice was moaning a low grunt as her impending orgasm started building.
    “Now my little pussy licking sex machine lick mommie’s nasty little pussy with each tug”
    Lisa lowered her needy pussy to her daughters mouth for the first time. “ Mmmmm oh yes, lick.” Lisa kept tugging evenly for a few moments as her own orgasm built, then began getting firmer with the yanks on all five of the cruel clips and the plug fully stuffing daughters ass.
    Lisa was on fire! With each cruel yank she said “Lick!..Lick! ...Lick!
    Alice was somehow licking, screaming, gasping in a breath with every tug. She screamed onto her mother’s pussy as she started cumming in spasms that matched the tugging. Lisa started just after she did and slacked up on the tugging to a more gentle tug and both of them rode the waves of jerking, rocking, shattering orgasms.
    Lisa sat there on her daughter's face and broke down. She looked at what she had done and sat there crying. She slowly raised up and carefully took off each of the cruel clips.
    Barbara watched the ...
    ... mood of the room change. There was no talking yet. Only the sounds of Alice panting from the pain of the clips coming off as she lay motionless and Lisa’s soft sobbing.
    She moved forward to reach her daughter’s legs and gently let them down to stretch out on the bed then turned around and got her knees over Alice’s shoulders to reach and take off the wrist cuffs.
    “ Alice my love, I am so sorry… but you know I had to do it.. I had to…”
    Alice reached up and pulled her mom down to lay beside on the bed.
    “Shhhh mom...shhh It’s okay . I know you had to...mom I know...we both had to…”
    They hugged and kissed and both lay exhausted.
    “Mommy arent we supposed to keep going…make me cum over and over now?”
    Lisa kissed her daughter on the mouth like a lover for the first time. Then she moved down the bed getting nestled between her legs and started sucking her little girls still swollen and needy clit.
    Barbara had exactly what she wanted but it was such a touching moment she felt sorry for them but knew she was soon going to find the anger over what the crazed woman did to her daughter that would spur her on to start the next phase of her and Trina’s plan in taking down Lisa to a place so dark and horrible it would sell for inimaginable amounts to Trina’s connections on the dark side of the web. It was the head nurse at the hospital who would be the first to see the long and short versions of the videos she was working on and handling the transactions. Barbara would ...