1. Housekeepers Hell

    Date: 6/21/2024, Categories: Fiction BDSM Bondage and restriction Cruelty Female/Female Horror, Non-consensual sex Torture, Written by women Author: barbarabadgirl, Source: sexstories.com

    ... long you sleep and how refreshed you feel when you wake up.”
    Lisa was thrilled and agreed to everything Ms. Barbara had said.
    Alice was a wreck waiting for her mom to get off the phone and tell her everything Ms. Barbara had said. She had heard her mom’s side of the conversation. It sounded to her like there was some way to offset the effects of an orgasm. Her mom looked at her and smiled just as the call ended.
    “ Alice honey, I think you will like this news. At least I hope you will. It seems what we have to do after you cum is keep going and cumming as many times as we can get you to 30 minutes. With your condition that may feel really great or it may make you even more horny later. This is a new field and we will only be testing this method this time so no way to tell the long term effects it may have on that naughty little pussy of yours”
    Lisa made up lies as she told her daughter that it would be best if she was strapped down and undergoing a severe treatment of as many of them combined as possible to get maximum stimulation. Lisa was already thinking of all the ways she would stimulate her helpless daughter as she forced as many orgasms as she could out of her and reveling in how much she was going to do to her. She shivered at how some of it would be so deliciously painful as she tormented and raped her daughter's naughty little pussy, stuffed her ass and abused her perfect tits she had become so familiar with. Then she would ride her face on the dildo gag ...
    ... and without it making her hot little daughter lick and suck her pussy until she could cum no more.
    At dinner Lisa told Alice that tonight they were both going to get some relief from the frustrating ordeal they had been going through. “Honey, at 8:00 take your pills as usual for treatment nights and I’ll start setting you up a few minutes later and we can go ahead and start the planned treatment. We will get you all the way to the end and then push you over the edge and after that I will keep you going for a full half hour. Be sure to drink plenty of water with your pills”
    Alice seemed both eager and afraid of what they were doing. She knew it was wrong to plan to fail Ms. Barbara's orders but she wanted to cum… needed to cum and her mom was going to help her do it safely by following the doctor’s directions.
    “I will mom. Hey mom, I know this has been really hard on you. It must be really difficult to deal with such a pain as I am with my naughty little pussy. This is really great of you to do this… to get us both some relief. I love you so much”
    Lisa for the very first time kissed her daughter on the mouth with a sensual long kiss of love and tender passion.
    They had figured out early in the week that it’s much easier to get the breast harness on when Alice is sitting upright on the bed. Her mom can reach around her to get it on nice and straight and get it nice and tight around her chest and then make quick work of pulling the base straps tight and carefully ...