1. Housekeepers Hell

    Date: 6/21/2024, Categories: Fiction BDSM Bondage and restriction Cruelty Female/Female Horror, Non-consensual sex Torture, Written by women Author: barbarabadgirl, Source: sexstories.com

    ... position the middle straps and pull them nice and tight. They can both see the injections that Ms. Barbara has prescribed are definitely working as Alice’s tits are swelling out between the straps and her once soft little puffy nipples are now at least twice and big and the tips are looking very womanly and stiffer even when not being sucked or pulled on.
    The chime that notifies Ms. Barbara is ready to open the video chat lets Lisa know to open the sharing and Lisa clicks the accept icon and the woman’s smiling face greets the mom and daughter on the laptop computer.
    “ Hello ladies, I see you are just getting started. I think we are going to be seeing some good results when you get her breast and nipple measurements today, Lisa. And Alice sweetie how do they feel in the harness now? Are the straps too tight? It may be time to start using a notch bigger but if you can tolerate them I think where they are now looks perfect. “
    “ They are really tight now Ms. Barbara but i’m okay with it I guess” Alice told her as she looked at the face of the woman she was in love with on the screen.
    “ Lisa, as you know, today is an injection and suction day. Have you both taken your medications before you started? I want you both as calm and relaxed as you can be for the injections. “
    “Yes, Ms Barbara” both women said in reply.
    Barbara knew the capsules she made for them would soon have them both not just calm and relaxed but this new batch had nearly 50% more of the ...
    ... libido enhancing drug and both of them would be feeling the effects very soon. The ones she made for Alice also had a short acting sedative that would make her very groggy for about 30 minutes. The ones for Lisa didn't have any sedative so her reactions would be all natural and uninhibited.
    Of course Barbara already knew both women had taken their pills as she watched on the cameras before Lisa knew they were on. As she watched the scene unfold on the computer she was already copying and editing segments to a what would be Lisa’s blackmail video. To make it look like Lisa was doing this all on her own she told them.
    “ You both know this routine by now so tonight I am going to be mostly silent and making notes so Lisa you take control and go through the whole measurement procedures on your own and only ask me things if you need to and Alice sweetie just trust your mom and try to relax like the good girl you always are”
    The strong but short acting sedative worked perfectly. Little Alice was all but passed out as her mom strapped her to the bed. On her screen Barbara watched as the mother strapped and tied her groggy daughter to the hospital bed they had set up in her bedroom. She marveled at watching the woman very carefully inject the growth hormones and steroids into her daughter's nipples and place the suction cones on them as Alice’s head rolled from side to side and at times her groggy eyes would open to see what was happening to her. Barbara was almost as turned on ...