1. Housekeepers Hell

    Date: 6/21/2024, Categories: Fiction BDSM Bondage and restriction Cruelty Female/Female Horror, Non-consensual sex Torture, Written by women Author: barbarabadgirl, Source: sexstories.com

    ... for that matter- at all. She almost said that to mommy, but the sensation between her legs kept her silent. Her clit basically somersaulted at the thought of getting to cum, and Alice weighed the possibilities. If she told Ms. Barbara she wouldn't have to endure that again, which was attractive. But if she kept the secret, she could cum! Alice stopped thinking with her head, allowing her naughty little pussy to make the decision. “Okay mommy, i will keep the secret. Can I cum now?”
    “Not yet, baby, Mommy has to make sure that it doesn’t interfere with your treatments. ”ll talk to Dr. Green tomorrow, but I promise that you will be able to cum really really soon, okay?” Alice saw what she thought was sincerity in her mommy’s eyes, and desperately wanted to trust her. “Okay mommy, thank you,” she said obediently.
    Barbara played ignorant of what Lisa had done to her daughter the night before when she got a video call from her after lunch. Still working nights for a few more days before she switched to days so she could spend more nights with her new playthings. From home she could see the nervous mom as she asked what would be the results and setbacks if she went too far or let Alice touch herself if she didn’t keep a close enough watch on her. What should she do if Alice does cum?
    “Lisa I’ve been reading up on just that question and reviewing with some colleagues and we seem to have two points of view on it. One, is to not do anything and look for any increase of need ...
    ... or self touching. The other that needs more research is inducing as many orgasms as possible in a short period of time. Basically 30 minutes of intense stimulation with no limit of how many orgasms can be pulled from her. “
    Lisa asked if a treatment and binding should be part of the intense cum session if she accidentally cums for any reason, and what steps she should take.
    “Lisa, I want you to turn on the recorder to tell what happened then strap her down securely and use as many forms of stimulation as you can to make her cum as much as possible then leave her in the dark and quiet listening to the new “Ocean Mist 2” file. If she is already strapped down and cums during a treatment dont bother removing any treatment or adding any just focus on making her cum as many times as she can in 30 minutes.”
    Lisa listened to the instructions and made notes of what she was supposed to do in case of emergency and thanked her for putting her at ease in case Alice went over the edge.
    “After this intense ordeal you will be very tense and will need rest too, so I want you to take a double dose of your sleep aid rest no matter if it’s day or night. If you need sexual relief it may be a good idea to let it out but if you are okay after all that, it’s totally up to you. I just know I would probably have to. Oh.... I uploaded a “ Crashing Waves'' relaxation file to your player and want you to play it every night for a while to help me track the effectiveness of it. Keep note of how ...