1. Housekeepers Hell

    Date: 6/21/2024, Categories: Fiction BDSM Bondage and restriction Cruelty Female/Female Horror, Non-consensual sex Torture, Written by women Author: barbarabadgirl, Source: sexstories.com

    ... purple dildo now protruding from her daughter’s face.
    When she took some pictures it was then Lisa clued back into the moment, realizing what she had just done. She looked at her handiwork, her pussy continuing to throb. Of course she needed to take the gag off of her daughter- she wasn't actually going to ride it...was she?
    The night time medications she was on now kept her sleeping, completely helpless and confused if she was awake. Really what harm would it do? Alice is undergoing so many treatments, it wouldn’t be too difficult to convince her that she had dreamed it. Or, the girl is so brainwashed anyway, Lisa was sure that she could leverage the worship that she has for her mother to keep her quiet. It was with that resolve that Lisa climbed over her daughter’s face, easily sliding the dildo into her soaked pussy, She started to grind on her daughter’s face, moaning at the intense pleasure rippling through her.
    Lisa’s Lies
    Alice awoke to a strange smell, feeling like she wanted to bite down. As she came to, she realized that her mouth was full, and she had something strapped to her face. She then felt a heavy weight on her face, moving up and down. When she opened her eyes, she saw an ass in her face, quickly realizing that the smell was coming from the dripping pussy over her face. Alice screamed at the assault, hoping that her mommy could hear the muffled cry. She was wide eyed and screaming when she recognized a tattoo on the assailant’s back...mommy had ...
    ... the same tattoo. It was mommy who was riding her face!
    `Alice felt panic and confusion ripple through her as she realized what was happening. Mommy was riding the dildo that was strapped to Alice’s face, her pussy juices running all over Alice's nose and chin. She could smell her mommy’s pussy, and was having a hard time breathing every time she slammed down into Alice’s face. Alice was still restrained, so there was nothing she could do but wait until the assault was over. Finally mommy shuddered and moaned, squirting her juices all over her daughter’s face. She got off the dildo, seeing Alice’s surprised and panicked gaze.
    Mommy removed the gag, quickly shushing Alice. “Sorry, baby, I didn't mean to wake you. Mommy just needed to use you for a little while...your body was too irresistible, and I couldn’t help it. You can’t tell anyone baby, this has to be our secret...like your treatments.”
    Alice listened to mommy’s panicked explanation, unsure of what to believe. “Does Ms. Barbara know?'' Alice asked, referring to her moral compass and protector. “No baby she can’t know, you can’t tell anyone,” Mommy insisted, racking her brain for something to motivate her daughter to stay silent- then it clicked. She went to Alice’s head, gently wiping her cum off of her daughter’s face. “Alice, honey, if you keep this secret, mommy will let you have an orgasm.”
    Alice was surprised at this development. She knew from Ms. Barbara that she wasn't allowed to cum- or touch herself ...