1. Housekeepers Hell

    Date: 6/21/2024, Categories: Fiction BDSM Bondage and restriction Cruelty Female/Female Horror, Non-consensual sex Torture, Written by women Author: barbarabadgirl, Source: sexstories.com

    ... blended with horror and dread of what she knew was a night of horrible, painful, maddening shocks and buzzing and agony from the powerful TENS machines she would be hooked up to.
    After getting the conducting pads in place between leg and each side of her clit, they fitted her with an adult size diaper telling her it was okay to use it when she needed to. The standard restraints for being on her back held Alice in a comfortable position with her legs straight and arms down to her side. The straps on her ankles and wrists and the additional straps across her body would keep her movements to a minimum. Trapped in the leather bands it was easy to place the electrode pads to each side, top and bottom of each captured tit.
    “ Tonight you won't have to wear the horrible hood sweetie. I’m going to show your mommy how to use tape and gauze to seal your mouth and wrap your head so you won't lose your earbuds and will be able to look around the room if you want. Does that sound better hun? “
    When Ms. Barbara removed the butt plug, Alice felt incredibly empty. She relaxed as Ms. Barbara cleaned her, continuing to moan every now and then as her overstimulated pussy demanded attention. She felt mommy’s hands on her face, and felt her begin to remove the hood. Alice felt relieved knowing that she will be able to see again! When mommy removed the headphones, Alice just heard the end of Ms. Barbara saying that Alice needed more of the shock therapy overnight. Her eyes squinted at the ...
    ... light, but then darted around in panic as she realized that she was in for a night of excruciating pain.
    She started to moan through her gag, a gurgled, desperate panic. Mommy stroked her cheek as she finished removing the hood, saying “It’s okay baby, we know you don’t like the shocks, but they are going to help you get better. Ms. Barbara doesn’t like to hurt you, but it’s for your own good. You have to be brave, baby.”
    Tears sprang to Alice’s eyes, signaling her fear. She continued moaning, trying to plea to the women that there must be another way. She wiggled against her restraints, the panic evident in every fiber of her being. Ms. Barbara came to her side, her voice more stern than Mommy’s; “Alice, you need this treatment. You will be a good girl and take it. If you stop moaning, mommy can take your gag out. If you are loud, though, you will have to sleep with it in. Come on sweetie, you need to trust me.”
    Alice stopped moaning as Ms. Barbara spoke, her stern tone jolting Alice to obedience. Alice nodded at Ms. Barbara, eyes still wide with fear. Mommy removed the gag, gently cleaning Alice’s face and chest from all of the drool that had escaped while she was undergoing treatment. “That’s it, good girl. Now I know that this hurts, but it is a key element of treating this naughty little pussy of yours. Mommy is going to use some gauze now to cover your mouth so that the screams aren’t too loud. She will also make sure you can still listen to the waves tonight, ...