1. Housekeepers Hell

    Date: 6/21/2024, Categories: Fiction BDSM Bondage and restriction Cruelty Female/Female Horror, Non-consensual sex Torture, Written by women Author: barbarabadgirl, Source: sexstories.com

    ... would you like that sweetie?”
    “Yes, Ms. Barbara- thank you,” Alice said obediently. She was terrified of the pain, but wanted to get better- and knew that Ms. Barbara knew best. Once mommy had her cleaned up, she gagged her mouth with gauze- it was softer than the ballgag, and didn’t make her drool. Alice was more comfortable, and even though she tensed as she felt the pads being placed on her naughty little pussy and breasts, the waves sound came back to her ears and she relaxed.
    She felt the first buzzing, accompanied by both Ms. Barbara’s and mommy’s hands on her, calming her reactions. As the buzzing intensified, Ms. Barbara and mommy stroked her hair, face, and body. Alice looked at each of them, unable to hear their encouraging words through the waves in her ears, but taking comfort in the fact that they were both there supporting her. Alice tried to focus on their gentle touch and the waves as the vibration became painful. She didn’t want to cry out- Ms. Barbara and mommy had asked her to be brave, and she wanted to make them proud. She stayed quiet until the very last few, where the shocks became too much to bear. She was relieved when the buzzing quieted, using the reprieve to steady her breathing. She could already feel sweat beading on her forehead, but mommy put a cool cloth on it. They each kissed her cheek goodnight, leaving her in the darkness to endure the waves of pain. She didn’t want to see them go, but also didn’t want them to see her like this- so ...
    ... she mentally settled in for an exhausting night of treatment,
    The waves brought comfort to Alice- they helped her time the contractions of the pads, gearing her up and down for the pain. She thought she might have even drifted off to sleep a few times, hearing Ms. Barbara’s encouraging voice in her ears.
    “Your naughty little pussy needs this treatment.”
    “You need to be an obedient girl for Ms. Barbara and Mommy”
    “Your clit belongs to Ms. Barbara”
    The last few visits Lisa made to the hospital followed much the same course of binding and stimulating and measuring her daughter to rid her of the almost demonic possession of her mind and body by the need for sexual stimulations even if they came with pain, sweat and tears. She survived the days hiding the shameful lust and arousal but the nights were when the cravings came on. Her body ached to be probed and measured and touched. The bondage becomes the gateway to fill her cravings. The touch of her mommy and her beloved and worshiped Ms Barbara held her safe. Their words comforted her. She must obey them. She must suffer to be well. She must never touch herself once she gets home.
    The New Normal
    Everything had been set up for her continued nightly treatments at home. She would lead a pretty much normal home life with light morning treatments then most of the day chatting online with her two best friends, binging on Netflix, enjoying her mom’s cooking and getting used to hobbling around on crutches.
    Barbara ...