1. Housekeepers Hell

    Date: 6/21/2024, Categories: Fiction BDSM Bondage and restriction Cruelty Female/Female Horror, Non-consensual sex Torture, Written by women Author: barbarabadgirl, Source: sexstories.com

    ... throbbing clit as Ms. Barbara touched the pump. Ms. Barbara flicked, pressed, and pulled on the pump that enclosed Alice’s numbed, swollen clit. Alice moaned more loudly, the familiar desperate need starting to return to her clit as the numbing agent wears off. Mommy again held Alice’s lips open, allowing Ms. Barbara to examine the pumped clit inside the glass. Alice realized that she could distinctly feel her heartbeat in her clit, creating a new wave of wetness. Ms. Barbara’s additional stimulation of her clit was almost too much to bear, until she removed the pump- and sent Alice spiraling into agony as the blood rushed from her clit.
    It felt like a flame was being held to her clit, Alice’s naughty little pussy gushing at the release of the pump. Ms. Barbara’s finger returned to the swollen skin, earning a scream every time she touched it, Alice’s clit threatening to cum at a mere whisper. She whimpered as the pain left her clit, similar to when it left her nipples after the clamp. She could still feel her clit- it was as if it was sticking straight out, much like her bound tits. Alice craved Ms. Barbara’s gentle touch on her clit, massaging the blood from it and telling her it would be okay; she also knew that the minute Ms. Barbara touched her like that, she would explode, ruining her recovery. Alice cried out in frustration, so conflicted about what her naughty little pussy needs. It was a good thing that she had Ms. Barbara and mommy to decide.
    Barbara could ...
    ... not have been more pleased by how well Lisa was willing to go with her on the bizarre treatments without questioning the perverse seeming BDSM aspect of it all. Even Lisa had read Shades of Grey but she was fully on board and clearly turned on by sexually tormenting her sexy little daughter who had become the hottest most sexy thing she had never dared imagine. Lisa was following Ms. Barbara’s lead and loving it way too much to question things. Barbara was now convinced that once Alice went home for more treatments and recovery Lisa would slide willingly deeper into the trap she had no idea she was already too deeply into for any chance to escape.
    With her goals for the night met and every intention of leaving Alice in need to cum blended with bondage and pain for hours on end Barbara had Lisa observe how she worked alone to remove the butt plug and clean her pussy and ass gently then take her legs back down to the bed. There was really no more need for traction and a couple of pillows under her lower legs would be more comfortable.
    “Lisa you can take off the hood and gag now and be ready with a damp cloth to clean her face and neck, while I take her arms down then we can get her ready for bed and set up the treatment for tonight. Tonight she needs another round of the nerve stimulation she hates so much but she said she is going to be a good girl for us tonight...isn’t that right sweetie?
    She said to Alice as the hood came off her face and she saw the raw sexuality ...