1. Housekeepers Hell

    Date: 6/21/2024, Categories: Fiction BDSM Bondage and restriction Cruelty Female/Female Horror, Non-consensual sex Torture, Written by women Author: barbarabadgirl, Source: sexstories.com

    ... cruelly doing it to her…to both of them and savoring every second of it.
    " I think now would be a good time for you to talk to her and tell how good is being, then take the music player from the shelf there, and put the headphones on her hit play. I have the volume already set for getting through the hood effectively. The soothing sounds of the ocean waves is what we will use to help her sleep through the nightly treatments."
    As Lisa was putting headphones on her Barbara added as an afterthought " Oh and I've got something you will be needing to help you sleep after what will be stressful for you having to put your sweet daughter through such intense sessions. That small tabletop player has the same soothing sounds on it as well as a bottle of sleep aids and mild sedative to settle your nerves, I will be sending you home with. "
    Lisa smiled with gratitude. She had already been having trouble sleeping over concern with Alice's bizarre condition and how it was making her feel being around her.
    " oh thank you Dr. Green… Barbara. You are really on top of what we are going through and thinking of so many ways to help. This condition…problem, Alice is having it's …it's hard to be around. Hard to deal with"
    "Thanks Lisa, I do try to consider not just what the patient needs but the needs of everyone involved in their care. You are both very special to me as well as being just your doctor, I am here for you as you're confident in this too. I'm sure there are not many ...
    ... people you would want to talk about this with. This is a most sensitive subject and as her doctor I can't talk to others about a patient's care or this condition expect you and some researchers I will be consulting and sharing the results with and they won't know her as person, only a case number"
    Lisa was almost in tears. She was so grateful and her emotions were running so high as she stood by her daughter's side looking at the most erotic and almost kinky thing beyond anything she ever imagined. Her own pussy wet and her mind trying to go to dark places.
    " You are right again. I started to tell my best friend about this but I just can't. You are the only one I can talk to and would understand how hard this …this condition is to cope with… Seeing her this way"
    Barbara could not have been more pleased. Lisa was being so predictable.
    " Okay as she calms some we can do some light touching to let her know we are here and she is in safe hands. Touch her shoulders and hold her head while I check the straps keeping her breasts properly confined"
    As Barbara gently caressed and ran her hands over Alice's leather bound and bulging tits she said it was time to give her nipples some relief but in fact from wearing those same nipple clamps herself she knew that by now Alice's nipples were sort of numbed by them. Taking them off would hurt worse for a moment and putting them back on later would hurt even more but she had other plans in mind for those nipples, so she set the ...