1. Housekeepers Hell

    Date: 6/21/2024, Categories: Fiction BDSM Bondage and restriction Cruelty Female/Female Horror, Non-consensual sex Torture, Written by women Author: barbarabadgirl, Source: sexstories.com

    ... deeply around the ballgag and relax into her hips, loosening the tension in her anus. As she did so, Ms. Barbara pushed her finger in further, drawing it back out and reinserting it, slowly stretching Alice in preparation for the plug.
    “Okay, sweetie,” Ms. Barbara said as she removed her finger, “it’s time for the plug. You are doing so well, just keep holding mommy’s hand and relaxing your hole around the plug, just like you did with my finger. Alice felt the tip of the plug again creating pressure on her hole, but this time instead of feeling relief she felt the intrusion as it penetrated her.
    The plug was larger than Ms. Barbara’s fingers, but with a moan and a squeeze of Mommy’s hand Alice was able to relax around it. Her tension grew as Ms. Barbara continued to insert it, but once the plug was swallowed into Alice’s bum Alice gurgled a sigh of relief.
    “Good girl!” the women said in unison, sharing a look of triumph at having violated their young patient’s hole. Alice relaxed, relieved that the insertion was over. Her pussy continued freely dripping, soon coating the base of the plug in wetness.
    “Okay, now that it’s in, we will gradually stretch Alice starting on the inside,” Dr. Green said to Lisa. She squeezed the bulb once, earning a moan from Alice. “One more, sweetie,” Ms. Barbara said encouragingly as Mommy squeezed Alice’s hand. The plug made Alice feel full in a way that she never had before. With each pump Alice felt for sure that she would burst, ...
    ... but she just kept feeling more and more full. Her breasts throbbed, as did her pussy- and her clit was beyond throbbing. Now she was throbbing on the inside, and felt her ring stretched around the plug. Alice was so overstimulated and now filled that she was almost inhuman; she was closer to a pile of sweaty, cum filled need than she was an actual person in that moment. She was incoherent, desperate, and completely helpless as her two heroes stood between her legs, watching her ass struggle to contain an expanding plug.
    Dr Green on top of things
    " Look at the poor thing. One touch of her naughty little pussy or clit and she would lose it and cum ruin the whole week's work. We need to let her calm down and rest a while before I dare try to put the numbing cream on her. To be honest I could use a few minutes to calm myself down. I'm trying to stay professional but damn seeing her so turned on is starting to get to me" Barbara told Lisa as they stood in awe of how turned on little Alice was.
    Lisa didn't say anything in reply but the way she but her lower lips, closed her eyes and shuddered then turned away from the sight of hyper sexual daughter bound to the bed straining, panting and moaning is a desperate need of an orgasm told Barbara she was not the only one who wanted to cum from watching and hearing the sexy teen in such pitiful distress.
    One woman wanted to truly help the girl and was willing to face the humiliating intimacy of it and the other woman was the one ...